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Cook Like Grandma with these Bacon Fat Gingersnaps

I love finding news ways of using things I would otherwise throw out. The uses for bacon grease [2] are too many to list, but I had to share one of my favorites – bacon fat spice cookies!

As if cookies weren’t good enough, adding some bacon fat to them takes them to an entirely different level. The smoky and sweet flavors of this cookie really stand out when you use spices like cinnamon and ginger. Best of all, you are making the most of the items you have around you. So don’t throw that bacon grease out – try this cookie recipe that grandma used to make!

Bacon Fat Gingersnaps

  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix until a stiff dough forms. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill for two hours.
  2. With hands, pick up small amounts (about a tablespoon amount) of cookie dough and roll into small balls.
  3. Drop the dough into a small bowl of sugar and roll the dough balls to coat with sugar.
  4. Place on a cookie sheet and bake the batch 10 minutes at 350°.
  5. Once cool, store cookies in an airtight container.


Happy Baking