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Garden Dying? Sometimes We Have To Cut Our Losses

So the garden isn’t turning out the way you wanted it to.  We all had dreamy thoughts of a plentiful harvest.  Sometimes, things do not turn out the way we want them to.  When that happens, sometimes it is best to cut your losses… literally, and start over and learn from the mistake.   However, some of the vegetable plants can still provide you essential nutrients, you just have to look outside of the box.

There are some plants that can be harvested when young and can still be used before it completely dies:

Any plants that cannot be used as salad ingredients or stir fry ingredients can be put in the compost pile [2] to decay into future soil for the next season, or can be given to livestock as a tasty snack.  To be in a micro farmer [3] mindset, nothing should be thrown away.  Everything can be used and re-purposed!

For one reason or another, the garden did not make it.  It could have been that the plants were planted in the wrong place, or planted too early or too late for their growing season, or the soil was not up to par for the seedlings.  In fact, soil is a commonly overlooked gardening problem.  If the plants do not have to right environment to thrive in, they will die.  But, look on the bright side, it isn’t a total loss.  Chalk it up as a good lesson learned and try and figure out what they mistake was and correct it.  No one said gardening was going to be easy.  It definitely is a learning experience.  And, with each season comes more practice to get better.