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Get Prepped Newsletter: September 16, 2011


This has been a hard week; the anniversary of September 11th always takes me right back to the fear and the sadness we all felt 10 years ago. Seeing how unprepared people were and still are worries me deeply. My biggest fear (as I am sure is yours) is that our friends and family may not be ready for the times ahead, and I become overwhelmed with the responsibility to share preparedness and lose track of staying calm. I become so wrought with an urgency to help others prepare that I neglect to see how much the worry is affecting me. I expressed my concerns with my friends at Facebook and asked them what ways they cope in these uncertain times and they had some great advice that I thought I share with all of you:

…I just think “as in the days of Noah” and keep on working.

…Keep trying to spread the news and help friends & family know how important it is to be prepared for “whatever” may happen… and keep plugging away at doing my own preparing.

 …There are unfulfilled bible scrips, in prophecy’s “the sun will shine again”, “what’s coming to shall pass”, “the 25th through the 31st is not the end, its just a sign.” God is not pleased. we will survive this.

…Just being a living testimony is the most important issue. People look at you and me a lot more than they listen. Funny but my drive into work this morning I was thinking about the days of Noah and the people lost then and the people lost now. Love your neighbor as yourself and everything else will fall in line.

… I do keep encouraging my neighbors to have plenty of their own Bullets, beans and band-aids. I let them know of every sale and deal I find. I have also helped them get started in gardening.

 After reading these encouraging comments, I remembered why I started all of this: Freedom. You will find freedom in preparing. I know this because I have through learning new skills and having preparations ready.  So, in times of worry, I gain energy from the community that we are building together, and I find my balance and peace of mind through preparedness. Thanks again for the great comments!

This series installment marks our 20th week in our 52 week series of getting you prepared. This week we focus our concentration on long-term food storage. Ensuring that our basic needs of food and water are met during a short or long-term emergency will help us stay strong, healthy and focused on getting past the disaster.

A few months ago, I mentioned that there would be some changes to Ready Nutrition. I am excited to say that Ready Nutrition now has its very own food storage calculator [1]! This is a great tool to calculate how much food and preparedness items you and your family will need to store. The greatest feature is that you can customize the calculator for small scale or larger scale disaster needs. Feel free to share the calculator with others to help them in their preparedness needs. I have some more changes that I plan on making, so stay tuned!

Please feel free to peruse the archive of previous newsletters to catch up. You can view [2] them at Ready Nutrition.

If you haven’t already, follow us on Twitter [3] or see what we are doing on Facebook [4]. I love to interact with my readers, because, after all, we are all in this together! Don’t forget to share the prepared love and invite your friends and family to read Ready Nutrition [5] and help build our community.

Thank you for taking the time to better prepare yourselves for life’s unexpected disasters, and especially for being a part of this amazing community.


Tess Pennington


Week 20 of 52: 1 Month Supply of Food

We are all preparing for different reasons and to different degrees, however, most of you can agree that we are all preparing for a scenario where we will need to have emergency supplies to fall back on when the time comes. We have discussed in previous newsletters how storing food is both economical as well as promotes personal responsibility. Knowing that you can sustain your family in a disaster also provides peace of mind, which is priceless.

When storing food for long-term emergencies, it is hard to calculate how much food a person or family will need. One of the golden rules of prepping is “it’s better to be over prepared rather than under prepared.” Ensure that your family has enough food for long-term emergencies by researching to find out how many calories [6] a person needs per day in order to survive, and knowing how much food to store [1]. Remember to turn to the long-term food supply guideline [7] to ensure that your food stays within it’s expiration date.

Certain foods can stand the test of time and are lifelines to families.  The following is a detailed list of the suggested prep items for you to purchase this week. Most of these items are lifetime survival foods [8], meaning their shelf life is 20 years+ and would be a good investment to make towards your food security.

Preps To Buy:

Action Items:

  1.  Calculate [1] the amount of food your family will need for a month long disaster.
  2. With the food storage items purchased last week [14], begin assembling Mylar bags and storage containers and pour food contents in and seal for long-term storage. Have a print out on hand on the directions for packing food [9] long term to ensure that you are storing food correctly.
  3. Ensure that food lids are sealed correctly.
  4. Store sealed food containers in a cool, dark, and dry area of the home.
  5. As a reminder, remember not to forget your pets in your long-term food storage plans and ensure that you have packed enough food away for your pets. Dog and cat food can also be stored in food grade plastic containers for long-term use.


In Our Home:

The hot summer inspired my children to watch more TV and spend more time on the computer, as means of staying both entertained and cool.  As the heat decreases, we are really trying to encourage our kids to get more active. This means, my hubbie and I have to lead by example. We are trying to take as many family walks as possible in addition to sports and ballet classes for my daughters.

Family Preps:

We are getting ready to make a big purchase at a super store for some needed prep items. I want to focus my shopping experience on needed supplies for sanitation and also get some medical supplies. I have found that Sam’s Wholesale has children’s medicines and vitamins in bulk quantities. I’d like to stock up on these before the flu season arrives.

In the Garden:

 My seeds that I planted a few weeks ago are growing nicely. In a few weeks I am going to begin setting them outside to get a little sun. I am really looking forward to the weather cooling off so that I can plant my root crops.


 The 13 Signs of a Societal Collapse [15]

10 Health Benefits of Sea Salt [16]


If like me, you worry about the people in your lives being unprepared, get them started on creating a 30-day emergency supply [17]. I cannot stress the importance of a community enough, so reach out to those around you. Accept it if they decline your help, and brainstorm new and fun prep ideas with them if they embrace prepping. You can also share this newsletter with them, as it has plenty of helpful information about how to store and prepare food in an emergency. Hopefully, there will be a time when they will take comfort in this forethought.

Since this month is National Preparedness month, we should all take the time to ensure that those around us are just as prepared as we are. During a long-term crisis, it is those who are willing to work together that will have the best chance of making it.  Whether it is your family, your friends, a church or a local group of people that you know, make sure that you have some people that you can rely on and work together with in the event that everything hits the fan.

Help your neighbors and community be better prepared by:

With a little foresight and preparedness, communities can be more united in times of crisis. 


One of the perks of my job at Ready Nutrition is to address questions and/or concerns that you may have with your prepping endeavors. Feel free to ask anything that is on your mind because no question is too big or small. You can email questions to: getprepped@readynutrition.com [18]

This week’s question addresses rodents:

I have found that mice can chew thru a fairly think plastic container. Very creative.
Hard to find a place in a house that the mice cannot get to.
We can kill mice, but they return, no?



Rodents are the worst! They eat our food, carry diseases and are a nuisance in the prepper world. If you take a few proactive steps in protecting your food investment, then you will probably not have a problem with rodents.

I hope this helps.

