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How the Fish Industry is Defrauding Millions and Should Be Avoided At All Costs

Eating fish is synonymous with health. We think of the excellent nutrient profile: the high protein [2], beneficial fish oils [3], and healthy fats. But what if the fish you’ve been eating has been misleading you?

According to a new report on seafood fraud [4], one in five seafood samples turn out to be completely different fish than what the menu or packaging might lead you to believe. The group analyzed more than 25,000 seafood samples and a little more than 20% were mislabeled. The biggest faux fish was farmed Asian catfish, which was sold as perch, cod, grouper, and 15 other more expensive fish.

This isn’t just alarming because you might be paying top dollar for a bottom-dwelling fish; 58% of the mislabeled fish were varieties that could potentially pose health risks, particularly for children and pregnant women. A grocery store in New York City was selling blueline tilefish in the place of many more expensive types. Tilefish is on the FDA’s “Do Not Eat” list because it is extremely high in mercury.

Beware of these Fish

It is unclear whether the organizations and businesses selling these fish knew about the fraud or if they too are victims of a much larger problem with fish regulations. Either way, here’s how to avoid the most likely situations where misrepresentation arises.

How to Avoid Eating Mislabeled Fish