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How To Build A Self Reliant Homestead

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By Chet

In this post, I wanted to share with you my plans for turning some VERY unproductive areas of my property into valuable assets.

While I certainly hadn’t been wasting all of my property, as you can see in this video of the first food forest I built [2], I had been squandering some serious opportunities for FAR too long, and a few weeks ago I decided to take some serious steps forward into turning these opportunities into valuable components of what will one day be my own Self-Reliant Homestead.

This video shares the process for how the plans for my Self-Reliant Homestead were drawn up… and I pray that by watching my planning process that you come up with some wonderful ideas for your own property.

See My 5 Acre Farm In The Making:

Did this video give you any new ideas?

Got any ideas of your own you’d like to share with me, or my readers?  If so, feel free to leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you.