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Rhubarb: The Good Stalk

[1]Rhubarb is more versatile than we give it credit for. Its stalk are a favorite for culinary uses, but there is more to it than meets the eye.

This perennial favorite is very easy to grow and makes a popular addition to low maintenance gardens. Rhubarb is an extremely hardy plant, and can grow in almost any climate. Rhubarb can be propagated by dividing the crown and planting it. Divisions from 4-5 year old crowns should be taken in the spring. Plant the divisions near roses, asparagus and strawberries, as these are companion plants.

It is best to allow the plant to grow the first year and harvest the following year when the foliage spread and stalks reached sufficient girth of about one to two inches thick. The top greens are usually discarded, as they contain unusually high amounts of oxalic acid. When this acid is consumed in high amounts it can cause severe symptoms such as burning in the eyes, mouth, and throat; skin edema, difficulty breathing. In serious cases, it can result in kidney failure, convulsions, coma, and death. Therefore, stick to using the stalks of rhubarb for cooking.

Rhubarb also contains many nutritional benefits including:

Source [2]

The Medicinal Side of Rhubarb

Rhubarb has a wide range of medicinal uses as well. The rhubarb root is one of the most popular herbs in traditional Chinese medicine and was first documented in an ancient text written 2,200 years ago called the Divine Husbandman’s Classic of Materia medica. Originally, herbalists used rhubarb as a laxative, and to evacuate the bowels and improve the digestive tract. However, they found it was also useful in treating jaundice, endometriosis, and if applied topically would help burns and skin ulcers. Moreover, rhubarb has the ability to fight infectious fungi such as candida, and infections of the lungs and eyes.

The root of a six-year-old rhubarb plant is harvested in the fall and dried for later use. The dried root is usually ground into a fine powder or used in a tonic to treat a diverse amount of ailments including a natural way to lower cholesterol, as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumor, astringent, promotes the flow of bile from the gall bladder, soothes and protects irritated mucous membranes, diuretic, is a purgative, stomachic and tonic. When taken internally in small doses, rhubarb also acts as an astringent tonic to the digestive system, when taken larger doses rhubarb acts as a very mild laxative. Rhubarb has also been shown to exert protective effects on severe acute pancreatitis in rats, probably by inhibiting the inflammation of the pancreas, improving pancreatic microcirculation, and altering exocrine secretion.

According to this article [3], one can make a decoction using rhubarb roots. Herbalists recommend putting 1-1.5 teaspoons of pulverized, crushed rhubarb root in one cup of boiling water and letting the mixture for 10 minutes. The tea can be taken twice a day. Most herbal preparations of rhubarb, however, are individually prepared for each patient. Rhubarb may be combined with other herbs.

Warnings and Side Effects of Using Rhubarb Medicinally

There are warnings and side effects of using rhubarb medicinally.

The most common side-effect noted with rhubarb is abdominal cramping; however, this condition is often relieved by reducing rhubarb dosage. Excessive use of rhubarb can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and possible liver and damage of the kidneys. Rhubarb should not be used medicinally for long term as it can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and hypokalemia (a metabolic imbalance characterized by low potassium levels in the blood).

As always, make sure to consult with a licensed, qualified healthcare professional before taking rhubarb or any other dietary supplement.

To conclude, rhubarb is a noteworthy addition to your garden and can be grown in any climate. Consider adding this vegetable to your garden for its unique flavor, nutritional properties and its many medicinal qualities.