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SHTF Planning Gets You Ready for Life’s Unexpected Emergencies

Written by: Sarah Duncan

Most preppers stock up with an Armageddon-like disaster in mind, but your preps can help when a small-scale personal disaster strikes as well.

These personal disasters can strike without warning and cause unprecedented stress and damage to our finances and even to our well being.

Consider the following, which could strike nearly anyone at any time:

If you have been preparing for a year of grid-down after a civil collapse, take heart that you are likewise prepared for these events too.

I recently undertook a long-distance move with my child.  We’ve been lucky enough to move to prepper heaven, surrounded by forests and lakes, but it came at a high cost financially.  A surprise opportunity presented itself and, because I’m a prepper, I was able to jump at it.

We spent nearly every dime we had making this move, and, as always, when you arrive, there are unexpected expenses.  I began to panic as I looked at my near-empty wallet, then I got a hold of myself – “What kind of prepper are you if this makes you panic?  What are you going to do when a real disaster strikes?”

So, I got in touch with my inner prepper and we are sailing through the tight spot with flying colors.  Not only is it a good test of my physical preps, like food, fuel and other supplies; but it is a test of my mindset and my can-do prepper spirit.

Here are some of the challenges we have met:

So all in all, aside from some supplies specific to my daughter’s new school, we have been delighted to discover there is absolutely nothing we need so much that it can’t be put off for quite a while!  Weathering this little shower so well makes me feel confident that we will weather the real storms ahead with flying colors.

When an unexpected personal event causes a bump in the road, use it as an opportunity to test your preps for the difficult times ahead!