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Take the Frustration Out of Chopping Firewood With This Quick Tip

firewood [1]Nobody ever said chopping firewood is easy. If anything, that’s what makes it so satisfying. It takes skill, precision, and endurance to build up enough firewood to last all winter, and being able to accomplish that is rewarding to say the least. Still, it’s a task that should never be more difficult than it needs to be. Any tip or trick you can find is fair game.

One of the simplest things you can do is to find a way to keep the log together as you chop it. Otherwise, every successful chop you make will mean having to bend down to pick up the pieces and adjust the log. It will also help you steady those uneven logs that simply refuse to remain standing on their own.

Probably the most popular way to do this, involves nothing more than one or two car tires.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbrYYc0MizA]

Alternatively, a chain and a rubber bungee cord can also help you keep the log together.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vThcK-idm0]

In that guy’s case, it probably also helped that he had a really high quality wood splitting axe [2]. Nonetheless, both of these methods are pretty useful for making your firewood chopping session a little shorter, and a lot less tedious.