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The Silver Bullet: Making Your Own Colloidal Silver

Silver has been used medicinally and preventatively for centuries. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, and Pliny the Elder, a Roman scholar, both wrote of the use of silver to treat wounds and prevent disease. Water, milk and vinegar were stored in silver containers to maintain freshness and prevent contamination since ancient times.

As recently as the 1900s, people placed silver coins in milk to keep it from spoiling. It is even used in the water supply at the International Space Station as a disinfectant. Burn wards use bandages soaked in a silver solution to prevent infection when treating 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

Today, colloidal silver, a suspension of particles of silver ion in distilled water, is available from most health food stores. It can be used externally as a spray, to disinfect and aid in the healing of wounds or rashes. Taken internally it can be used as a general immune system booster or in higher doses, as a natural antibiotic. It has been shown to aid in healing everything from the common cold to cancer.

The product that you purchase at health food stores is expensive and may not always be available. Like all products that we purchase, in the event of a long-term emergency or societal collapse, our access could be cut off or limited. Secondly, the FDA is actively trying to discredit colloidal silver (because how can the pharmaceutical companies make money on an element, which cannot be patented?). Learning to make your own colloidal silver is simple and doesn’t require a great outlay of money.

Colloidal silver is created through an electro-magnetic process that pulls microscopic particles from a larger piece of silver into a liquid, usually water. You must always use distilled water when making colloidal silver or your end product will be contaminated. You can purchase an easy-to-use generator from Amazon [1] for $50-$350.

You can also make your own silver generator fairly easily.

You will need:



– 8-12 oz glass jar

– Ultrafine silver wire (.999)

– 3 9v batteries

– 3 9v battery terminal clip snap-ons

–  2 small alligator clips



1. Connect 3 battery clips in series (positive to negative, connecting red wires to black). On the 2 unconnected wire ends, attach alligator clips. You can either solder this together or use electrical tape after twisting the wires together.

2. Put batteries on the clips. (Don’t touch the clips once the batteries are connected or they will short out.) Wash the jar then fill it with distilled water.

3. Run the silver wires parallel into the water, ideally about 3/4″ apart. Don’t let them touch each other when the batteries are connected. Attach the alligator clip leads to the silver wires.

4. Once the wires are connected to power, watch for a white cloud to begin forming between them. First, bubbles will form on the wires and 5-10 minutes later, particles will be seen emitting from one of them. Run the generator for 10 minutes past this point to make it approximately 5-7 ppm.

5. When the process is complete, pour the liquid through an unbleached coffee filter into an amber glass container. Your liquid should be either clear or a very light yellow. Running the process too long will create a dark or cloudy liquid which is less effective. Shelf life of DC-generated colloidal silver is approximately 14-30 days. Shake well before using.

For information on using colloidal silver, click HERE [3] and HERE [4].


This article is for informational purposes only. Ensure you follow the directions correctly as health issues can occur when the wrong type of water is used (such as tap water), not making the right dose and using too much. Argyria is a rare blue/grey discoloration of the skin caused by over consumption of very poor quality colloidal silver.