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How To Survive Occupied America

Ready Nutrition Readers, this is the follow-up article for The 6 Rules for Survival [2] article, and the “kickoff” article for a two-part series.  I was born free, and I will die free, in whatever manner comes about.  In life, sometimes we have to take chances, and keep this in mind: all of us (whether readers or authors) will eventually be labeled as “undesirables” given time.

No matter!  You need the information, and that is where this website comes in.  I take the liberty to take a moment to speak a word of praise for my editor, boss, and owner of this site, Miss Tess Pennington, a fantastic woman not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.  She took a stand by creating such a venue where you, the Readers can come and glean valuable information that can enable you to thrive in challenging times and make a difference.  She created this site where you can comment and give your valued input.  You, too, can take a stand if you wish to make it so.  This article from me to you is part of my stand.

The other part will come just as the situation that births it…as a thief without warning and a meteorite on its course to impact…suddenly it will be time to take all of the lessons learned, all of your training, and go into action.  “Execute!” as the command was given in the service.

I give you my heart, Readers, my fellow countrymen: we will eventually face a totalitarian dictatorship [3] cracking the whip of slavery on the pretext of martial law, and/or a foreign invader [4] on our shores.  Just as in the movie with Mel Gibson “The Patriot,” these will be battles not fought in distant lands, but here…in our homes, in our towns.  There are two keys to your victory to survive, and guess what?  Our survival as a nation is dependent upon your survival…as an individual!

To Survive, You Must Possess Two Qualities

There are two keys: resolve, and patience.  Remember the last article?  I mentioned the 6 rules to survival [2], and if you have already read it, I encourage you to refresh yourself on them continuously.  Remember what I led the list off with:

You must do things that others do not do, and you must not do what others do.

There will be times to run and hide.  There will also be times you will have to stand and fight.  I highly encourage all of you to develop teams and train accordingly.  Link up with your veterans and learn how to form cohesive teams and basic tactics.  Let’s go over some situational basics, and cover resolve.

  1. Your house has just gone up in flames and your parents were rounded up and stuffed into a panel van. You’re a 20-year-old college student, and you’re now alone.
  2. The knocks at the door at 3:00 am “morphed” into a battering ram, and your front door just went down, Dad. Your wife and two kids are up, and it appears there’s no one at the back door…crossing the lawn will take you right into the woods.
  3. The “peacekeepers” are combing your office building on the bottom floors…your office is on the fifth floor. You’re a young medical transcriptionist, a pretty, 25-year-old girl, and as you watch from your office window, many of your coworkers are being led away from the building at gunpoint by the peacekeepers…led away in handcuffs to the waiting unmarked panel vans and trucks.

What do all of these people have in common?  They are “us,” American citizens, that are faced with a sudden life-changing (and if not wise, life-ending) event: a totalitarian dictatorship in its inception, followed by round-ups of “dissident” citizenry.

The Importance of Resolve

Resolve: firmness of purpose; determination; decisiveness.

You must find the resolve to act and take a personal stand…to not go gently into that good night!  With each of these scenarios, now is the time.  The college student needs to escape and evade the roundup.  The Dad needs to take decisive action…cut his losses if he’s not prepared to fight the home invasion…and take his family out into the woods…with nothing but their lives, if necessary.  The young lady needs to find a way to go to the stairs…or a utility elevator…and go, at the moment.

 You also need resolve to continue your fight and/or flight in relation to these oppressors.

Resolve will keep you going…that grim determination that enables you to do one more repetition on the bench press…run that last lap as fast as you can…study the chapter one more time before the exam tomorrow…carry your wounded buddy when you’re exhausted just one more step, and then just one more, and one more…

Resolve.  You can forge that resolve in your mind now.  It is better to do it now than when the actual situation arises.

You’ll need everything…everything you’ve ever learned [5], every skill [6] you’ve ever developed, every little piece of knowledge and training that you have amassed throughout your lifetime.  You must resolve yourself to use them, to employ them.  You must resolve yourself to hide from oppressors…to live in the woods and in the hills…to forego all creature comforts and those basics (such as running water, heat, and electricity) we take for granted.  You must have the resolve to stay free and to help others to stay free.

Patience is a Virtue

Next, you must have patience.  When it occurs, it is not the same as a hurricane…over in a day, with the effects unbearable for days and perhaps months to clean up. You will face a situation that may last for years, or for an even longer, indefinite period of time.

Study to show yourself approved, a workman worthy of his craft.  Where should you study?  In your library.  If you want a good source to show you both patience and resolve being practiced in this context, you must research works such as the personal experiences of civilians and soldiers during the Revolutionary War.  The Founding Fathers [7]endured years of privation and deprivation, and the majority of them lost everything they owned, many losing their lives, in the pursuit of freedom.

Can we aspire to less?  You must have the patience to endure years in such a setting.  These two keys are the basics that you need to be able to start making your stand.  You must have both of them.  There are times you will have to put on a burst of speed, as a sprinter in this struggle, and there are times you must be the same as a marathon runner, running the distance on a long race where (at the outset) there is no visible finish line.  We are halfway through this race, Readers, and Part 2 will be coming shortly to bring you to the finish line of this series.  Until then, do the best that you can in all things, and stay safe.  JJ out!

Read part 2 here [8]