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Week 20 of 52: 1 Month Supply of Food

wk 20 [1]
We are all preparing for different reasons and to different degrees, however, most of you can agree that we are all preparing for a scenario where we will need to have emergency supplies to fall back on when the time comes. We have discussed in previous newsletters how storing food is both economical as well as promotes personal responsibility. Knowing that you can sustain your family in a disaster also provides peace of mind, which is priceless.

When storing food for long-term emergencies, it is hard to calculate how much food a person or family will need. One of the golden rules of prepping is “it’s better to be over prepared rather than under prepared.” Ensure that your family has enough food for long-term emergencies by researching to find out how many calories [2] a person needs per day in order to survive, and knowing how much food to store [3]. Remember to turn to the long-term food supply guideline [4] to ensure that your food stays within it’s expiration date.

Certain foods can stand the test of time and are lifelines to families.  The following is a detailed list of the suggested prep items for you to purchase this week. Most of these items are lifetime survival foods [5], meaning their shelf life is 20 years+ and would be a good investment to make towards your food security.

Preps To Buy:

Action Items:

  1.  Calculate [3] the amount of food your family will need for a month long disaster.
  2. With the food storage items purchased last week [11], begin assembling Mylar bags and storage containers and pour food contents in and seal for long-term storage. Have a print out on hand on the directions for packing food [6] long term to ensure that you are storing food correctly.
  3. Ensure that food lids are sealed correctly.
  4. Store sealed food containers in a cool, dark, and dry area of the home.
  5. As a reminder, remember not to forget your pets in your long-term food storage plans and ensure that you have packed enough food away for your pets. Dog and cat food can also be stored in food grade plastic containers for long-term use.