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Week 39 of 52: Alternative Power Sources

Those who are moving to retreat properties make it a point to look for land with its own source of fuel in order to accommodate future needs. Whether those sources are an ample wood supply, a natural gas well, or a surface coal seam, these resources will ensure that you can continue to power your home and your equipment.

Those of us who do not have these resources readily available to us on our own land may eventually run out of stored fuel sources [1]. A way to avoid this future issue is to consider investing in devices that collect renewable energy to supply our homes and retreats with a continual supply of power. Therefore, consider the following, and keep in mind that all of these items would be ideal for barter situations [2]:

Batteries – Most of our emergency devices require batteries, and having an abundance of them with the capability of being recharged is a good investment in your long-term livelihood. The best batteries on the market right now are NiMH (Nickle-Metal Hydride) that have a low self-discharge (LSD). To prolong the charge of your batteries, store them in a sealed bag in the back of your refrigerator. This prevents condensation and extends the life of the battery.

Also, consider purchasing lead-acid deep-cycle (DC) batteries (also called solar batteries). Solar batteries provide energy storage for solar, wind and other renewable energy systems. Different from a car battery, a deep cycle battery is capable of surviving prolonged, repeated and deep discharges which are typical in renewable energy systems that are “off grid”. Having multiple DC batteries hooked up and working together creates a battery bank and allows you to run more of your household appliances using solar energy. Deep cycle batteries can be a large expense for a sizeable off grid system, but with proper care and maintenance, they should last 5-10 years.

Solar Energy – Harnessing the sun’s magnificent power has become quite the craze lately. And why wouldn’t it be? In some states, having photovoltaic panels can make you eligible for a 30 percent federal tax credit!

A solar power system has three components: Solar panel(s) + Charge controller + Batteries. As the sun’s rays hit the solar cells on a photovoltaic (PV) panel, the power is transferred to a silicon semiconductor. The power is then changed into (DC) direct current electricity and passed through connecting wires to enter a storage battery.

To learn more about the equipment required to create a solar paneling system, click here [5].

Inverters – An inverter is an electronic device that converts DC power into AC power. Ensure that you find a inverter that can handle your initial needs and anticipated needs. You can get the wattage by looking at the manufactures label on the appliance or if only the amps are there use the formula (amps x 115 volts= wattage) to convert to watts. To learn more about inverters, click here [6].

To see a video on how all of these items working in conjunction with one another, click here [7].

Natural Power Sources – The power from wind and water has been used for centuries and can easily be adopted to fit most self reliant lifestyles.

There are many reasons to invest in alternate power sources. If the subject of peak oil isn’t enough, consider the fragility of the grid [11]. As it stands, our country cannot exist without the electrical grid, and sometime in the not-so-distant future our lives could change drastically by a single event or disaster. While there is no way to predict when or if this will happen, we would be wise to prepare for the possibility.
Portions of this article were adapted from How to Survive the End of the World As We Know It [12] by James W. Rawles

  Preps to Buy:

Action Items:

  1. Make a spreadsheet of the total wattage the household uses.
  2. Purchase your alternative power supply devices and keep in mind if they are compatible to your needs.
  3. Purchase spare parts for your equipment.
  4. Ensure that your equipment is kept in a secure location and is unable to be stolen if in use. Hardened bolt-cutter-resistant security chains and a padlock can do wonders!
  5. When using any alternative power supply, monitor your supply to ensure that the power is not about to run out.