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What Do a Hurricane,TEOTWAWKI and a Flat Tire Have In Common?

Regardless of whether you are prepping for TEOTAWKI or a flat tire, the “aware” prepper should be looking for ways to counter act unanticipated high stress events (no matter how big or small) to condition themselves for later high stress situations. Our bodies respond to stress in an emotional and physically manner. Whether you are packing up to get out of dodge, or if you get in a car accident on your way to pick the kids up from school, in both cases, there would be elements of frustration, confusion, anger, helplessness, nervousness and even physical responses such as shaking, heart palpitations and headaches.

When an emergency arises and no plan is in place, things get tricky pretty fast. Stress or anxiety, especially after an unexpected event, leads to a short term imbalance of neurotransmitters such as serotonin [1] and norepinephrine [2], and inevitably leads to the above listed symptoms of physical and emotional reactions to stress. Knowing how to curb these natural reactions can reduce the emotional and physical elements. Using these daily stress bursts in a constructive manner rather than viewing them as a nuisance, can help propel a prepper to the next level of preparedness.

Some helpful tips for when we experience the daily bursts of stress are to:

Trying to pre-plan small scale emergencies can assist in decreasing stress.

Preppers have prepared for long and short term emergencies where there is a high stress event involved. As much as we pride ourselves on preparedness, there are those unexpected bursts of stress that occur in our daily lives that can create unwanted stress and frustration. By using these stress bursts as a way to further mentally prepare yourself for unforeseen events, you can increase your tolerance for stress and frustration.