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Week 9 of 52: Emergency Medical Supply (List 2)

wk 9 [1]
A lot goes into being medically prepared, so this will be a reoccurring theme throughout this series. We will start with gathering the basic first aid supplies and then slowly begin accumulating more advanced medical preps and learning alternative medical therapies towards the end.

This week I would like to urge all of you to purchase a few medical reference books. Buying multiple reference materials gives you a broader spectrum in how to provide different types of medical treatment – not all medical emergencies should be approached the same way. I recommend starting with When There is No Doctor [2] and When There is No Dentist [3], but here are some other great references:

Don’t forget that there are some good eBook references out there. I found First Aid Full Manual [9] on Scribd which would be a great place to start looking for more material. If you are out there and come across some other eBook references, please feel free to share it with me and our readers.

During short-term disasters, medical situations are inevitable and they can be complicated. It is imperative that you prepare for them if you want to keep your loved ones and yourself healthy. Considering your family members needs prior to a disaster event will help you be not only prepared but level headed too. When buying medical supplies, keep in mind family members who have preexisting conditions, allergies, or are accident prone. It is within your best interest to ensure that you have any and all necessary medications that require prescriptions before an emergency happens.

For short-term emergencies, you must have a well-stocked medical supply kits for your home and your vehicle [10]. Pre-fabricated medical kits are available in stores; however, these kits tend to be overloaded with unneeded items (i.e., 500 band aids). Buying your own medical supplies allows you to customize your kit to fit your family’s unique needs.

Please note that medicines can break down and spoil if they are subject to moisture, temperature fluctuations, or are exposed to a light source. (For example, aspirin has a tendency to break down when it is exposed to a small amount of moisture.) Unless the medicine indicates otherwise, store medical supplies [11] in a cool, dark place that is out of children’s reach.

Preps to buy:

Action Items:

1. Create a first aid kit for the family.  Ensure the kit is situated in an accessible location.

2. Take a basic first aid class, if you have not done so already.

3. Purchase a first aid manual