Road Side Medical Care Kit

Tess Pennington | Comments (2) | Reader Views (9034)

Emergencies can arise in the most unlikely places – even while on the road.  Leaving home means venturing away from the security and the supplies within it.  While no one plans to get sick or hurt on the road, accidents can and do happen.

Preparedness websites and organizations alike have suggested carrying emergency supplies for the car, as well as a medical care kit.  When a person plans for an emergency, they think of the worst case scenario and plans accordingly for the scenarios.  Planning for these situations ahead of time can add convenience and relief to your life.

Pre-assembled first aid kits can be purchased in stores, or you can make your own vehicle kit at a fraction of the cost.  If you plan to make your own first aid kit, keep some considerations in mind:

  • Keep in mind the unique needs of your family.
  • If you have children, make sure you have child-appropriate medications.
  • If a family member has severe allergies or illnesses such as diabetes, keep necessary supplies on hands such as an EpiPen or insulin close by.
  • Have emergency phone numbers written down in case you need to call from a pay phone.

Vehicle Medical Care Kit Suggestions

  • Anti-diarrhea medication
  • Anti-nausea medication
  • Allergy medication
  • Eye drops
  • Exam gloves
  • Pain reliever
  • Band-aids (in different sizes)
  • Ace bandage
  • First aid ointment
  • Anti-bacterial wipes
  • Cold pack
  • Bug spray
  • Sunscreen
  • Flare, compass, mirror
  • Flashlight
  • Duct tape
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers

When an emergency occurs while driving, you want to be as prepared as you would be as if you were in your home.  Having some medical and first aid supplies on hand to deal with upset stomachs, headaches, or minor medical emergencies can save time, money and provide relief when you’re in a pinch.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Oct 13, 2013

2 thoughts on “Road Side Medical Care Kit”

  1. Good list. In our Car Kits, we also keep some snacks, bottled water, etc, to save money when the munchies hit while running errands. Since we have little ones, we also keep a change of clothes, some extra diapers, & wipes, etc. We blogged about it over on our site a while back. 

    The car kit is good for every day emergencies as well as TEOTWAWKI events.

  2. You may wish to consider a stash of gauze bandages and wraps in case of a severe accident.

    Those involved can experience some nasty wounds that will bleed a LOT, even if not deep.

    Being able to wrap a wound and apply compression to help stop bleeding until (a) help arrives, or (b) you can get to help; is enough to save lives.

    Consider adding some of these items from your home medical supplies list (
    • Sterile gauze
    • Dressing bandages
    • Dressing rolls
    • Medical tape

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