Medical Emergencies

SHTF Medical Emergencies: Why This Antibiotic is the Most Popular Type Stored

Antibiotics are a must for emergency medical supplies, but amoxicillin is the most widely stored antibiotic and these are the reasons why.

This checklist will help get the prepper ready for fall and winter weather.

Cold Exposure Emergencies and How To Avoid It

In the event of a prolonged or long-term power disruptions, without heat to warm yourself and your home, winter will be a nightmare to endure if you are not properly prepared for it. Finding a way to maintain warmth will inevitably be left up to you to provide.

post collapse oral health

Sink Your Teeth Into This: How to Mitigate Dental Pain in a Post-Collapse World

We have a tendency to forget how an innocent tooth issue can quickly exacerbate into a life-threatening emergency. Tooth care is paramount during a long term-disasters and is just as life-threatening as other dangerous issues we would face.

E. coli

Survival Water Fundamentals: 9 Common Waterborne Diseases and How to Treat Them Naturally

Nine predominant waterborne diseases and how to use natural medicines to combat them.


How To Protect Yourself From Venomous Snakes

With the return of the warm summer sun comes the return of potentially venomous snakes. If you live in or are visiting an area known for its deadly snakes this summer, you will want to be careful and armed with the knowledge of how to protect yourself from them.


Understanding How Your Blood Reacts To Cold Is A Lifesaver

Do you remember your mother shouting: “Don’t forget your hat, scarf and gloves or you’ll catch your death”? She had a point.


10 Diseases That Will Become Far More Common After The Collapse

Here are ten diseases that will make their presence felt after a major, long term,disaster be it war, societal collapse or in some cases even an economic downturn.

The Prepared Home: 50 Essential Items to Put in Your Ultimate Survival Medical Kit

We all have our fair share of band-aids and antibiotic ointment, but do you have medical supplies that can help with true medical emergencies? The following list is your basic medical preparations broken into sections of need to help in your organization.


10 Prepper Uses for Safety Pins

The humble safety pin has more prepper uses than you would think.

colloidal silver part 3

Colloidal Silver’s Antimicrobial Properties And Safe Usage Suggestions

Colloidal silver is most known for its antimicrobial properties. But there are many other uses for it as well, and we’ve composed this handy guide to help you understand how to get the most out of colloidal silver while using it safely to avoid argyria.


Here’s Everything You Need to Know About First Aid for Your Eyes

There probably isn’t any part of your body that is more sensitive, exposed, and crucial to your survival than your eyeballs.

medical supply

Family Preparedness Essentials: Assessing Your Emergency Medicine Supply For the Home

Emergency medical supplies require planning and inventory of supplies to ensure there is enough during major medical emergencies.

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