The Prepared Pet

Why Pets Should Have a Place in Your Emergency Planning

In a long-term emergency, the family dog and cat will serve many uses and steps should be taken to ensure their survival.


Plan For Bugging Out With Your Pets

You probably all ready have a family emergency kit put together with all of the essentials that you and your family would need in case of a emergency. But did you include your pets?

PB Banana Dog Treats

Homemade Dog Treats

Dog treats are a fast and healthier way to show Fido how much you love him. Here are three tasty dog treat recipes that you can make in your home and save money in the process.

hunting dogs

Hunting Dogs: Eight of the Most Popular Breeds for Game and Fowl Hunting

The value and utility of a good hunting dog cannot be overstated – especially in an off grid environment.

herbal aids 1

The Basics on Making Herbal Aids for Pets

Herbs can be very beneficial for your pets for the same reasons they can help you: they are not as invasive nor addictive as pharmacological medications, and they have less side effects when administered properly and correctly.

dog eating wikimedia

This Is What Your Dog Can and Can’t Eat After the Collapse

Most dog owners like to joke that their pooch can eat anything, but we all know that isn’t exactly true.

golden retriever

How to Put Your Dog’s Fur to Good Use

Did you know that you can knit dog fur into sweaters and blankets?

Border Collie

The Six Best Dogs to Have With You When The SHTF

While most people in the modern world don’t keep dogs for any utilitarian purposes, they would quickly prove their worth if the SHTF tomorrow.

Natural Remedies Pet

All Natural Pet Care

It is up to us to ensure that our pets are happy and healthy. Eliminating the nuisance of fleas can make your pet more comfortable and also help you maintain a good environment for them. Use these natural remedies as a holistic approach to ridding your home of fleas.


4 Things You SHOULDN’T Do & 2 Things You SHOULD Do With Your Pet In Summer

More than half of Americans have a pet, and those of us who do are often almost as concerned with their well being as we are with our own.  Because of that, there are 4 things you should NEVER do with your pet (although this refers more to dogs than anything else) in the summer and 2 things you SHOULD do to help prevent heat stress.

Two dogs with backpacks paused while hiking on a mountain trail.

Bugging Out With Man’s Best Friend

Dogs can serve multiple purposes in a SHTF scenario, but in a bug out scenario they also have a job to do – to help you get to your bug out location.

How Your Guard Dog Security Could Easily Be Compromised

We would like to think our dogs are vigilantly guarding our properties and will deter anyone who dares to enter, but this isn’t always the case.