When you are planning your garden, consider adding flowers that serve a purpose of not only assisting in pollination, but can be also be used in dishes. This will help you make most of the limited garden space, not to mention adding fragrant and visually striking appeal to your dishes.
Sustainable in the City

50 Clever Ways to Reuse Your Trash and Not Play into the Throw-Away Society
Stop being a member of the throw-away society and be part of the sustainable solution. Here are 50 of the most thrown away items and clever ways to reuse them.

Black Gold: Add Nutrients to the Garden – The Easy Way!
Black gold is the product of vermicomposting—or, in simple terms, it’s the rich, black stuff that comes out the back end of a worm. This so-called “super soil” has many benefits and it only takes a little bit of work to build your own worm farm and start getting a constant supply.

DIY: Make Your Own Biodiesel
The current world is at it’s peak as far as consumption is concerned. With our finite resources, it’s time we begin exploring alternatives.

Sustainable Gardening: Reduce Watering by 50-75%
Our current landscaping is excessive and needs to change. Simply by changing the way you look at your lawn, you can create a low-water landscape that is both practical and beautiful.

How To Be More Sustainable With Your Clothing
We live in an era of “fast fashion” where things are of abysmal quality, super low in cost, but mass-produced to keep up with the latest trends. But not only is falling into the trap of fast fashion hitting us in the wallet, but it’s also destroying the Earth, and not sustainable in the long run.

Food Freedom: Backyard Strategies You Can Try Today
If you have a yard, then you can use these steps to achieve food freedom.

How To Score Free Groceries (Seriously)
Here’s some excellent advice that can help you trim down your grocery bill and provide some extra cash for survival gear or preps you will make in your home.

10 Best Vegetables for Urban Gardeners
Before you know it, your urban oasis will be bursting with wholesome produce and you’ll wonder why you waited so long to start growing your own food.

3 Simple DIY Laundry Detergent Recipes From Around the Web
Making your own natural, homemade laundry detergent is one of the easiest parts of a transition to a homesteaders lifestyle and a more natural way of living. Check out these 3 simple laundry detergent recipes you can make from around the web!