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How I Disinfected My Home After Having Covid-19

Covid-19 viscously descended upon my home in March, and all seven members of my household contracted it. Read more about the ordeal here [1]. It was an unseen enemy that kept spreading, and I felt defenseless at protecting my family from it. One by one we all became ill, and after my husband and I spent a week in the hospital, I was determined to eradicate that germ from my home so no one else would contract it. I armed myself and attacked with the following products and technologies.

The Book You Need To Prepare For and Survive a Deadly Pandemic [2]

HEPA Filter

While I was still in the hospital, my brother-in-law changed out our HEPA filters and verified that they had a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating between 10 and 12. While Covid-19 mainly spreads through droplet transmission or direct contact, the virus can be airborne. Air filters help reduce airborne pollutants, including viruses, so this seemed like a great starting point.


I was immediately confronted with eight loads of laundry when I came home. In addition, my sister, who has become an avid Covid researcher, explained that I needed to wash my bedding every other day for two weeks, which added three more loads of laundry every other day. Laundry was the very first item that I focused my attention on because it required about the amount of energy I had to give. If I had a white load, it was washed with bleach. If I had lights or colors or towels, I added Lysol Laundry Sanitizer [3]. While I handled laundry, I used gloves because Covid-19 is transmitted through droplets. The day after I returned home, two of my sons tested positive for Covid. Even at a month out, I am still following this routine – minus the gloves, and I don’t intend to change it.

Lysol Wipes and Four Thieves

I knew I needed to wipe down every room in my home, but I started with my bedroom because that is where I had self-isolated. I divided my bedroom into three zones and started clearing clutter and cleaning the surfaces with Four Thieves spray that I had made in late January (How to Make and Use the Legendary Four Thieves Vinegar Blend (theherbalacademy.com) [4], and then I disinfected with Lysol wipes [5]. I paid extra attention to heavily used tables, remotes, phones, doorknobs, and drawer pulls.

Related: How To Make Homemade Disinfecting Surface Wipes [6]

Once I conquered the surfaces, I focused my attention on unseen spaces and drawers. I removed the mattresses off my bed and vacuumed underneath it and wiped down all hidden baseboards. Even if you keep your house clean, I guarantee that if you haven’t looked at those spaces for a while, you need to. Next, I washed my curtains that had dust accumulation. It was then that I moved to my bathroom. Each day I wiped down my bathroom counters and surfaces. After each toilet use, I wiped down the toilet. After I conquered my bedroom, I went room by room until each room was reclaimed, but it was taking a lot longer than it normally would.

House Cleaning Specialists

Because my energy was low and my OCD had been triggered, I felt it was necessary to call for reinforcements. I had two house cleaners come and help me clean my home. Together we cleaned from floor to ceiling. It wasn’t necessarily that the house was that messy, but I was just that determined to rid my home of the germ. When that was done, I contacted a Micro-X1 [7], who uses EPA-registered technology and non-toxic cleaning formulas, and I asked them professionally to disinfect our home. When they left, I mentally felt at ease for the first time in three weeks.

Four weeks have passed since I came home from the hospital. All members of my family are now negative for Covid and have antibodies present. I wish I could say that my OCD for cleaning has calmed down, but it hasn’t. I have continued what I describe as Spring Cleaning on Steroids, but I have decreased disinfecting surfaces to Mondays and Fridays.


Related Articles:

How To Make Homemade Hand Sanitizing Wipes [8]

The One Thing You Can Do To Make a Virus Hate Being in Your House [9]

10 Grocery Items That Disappeared Almost Immediately When an Emergency Was Declared [10]

More Pandemic Preparedness Articles [11]