Homemade Paper Pots

Tess Pennington | Comments (1) | Reader Views (7823)

Newspapers are one of those multi-purpose household items that can be used for just about anything. Many re-use newspapers for pet purposes, or even used in their compost piles. But newspapers can also serve another purpose in the garden.  Since newspapers are used to add carbon rich materials to the compost pile, they can also be rolled up and used to plant seeds in.

Newspaper pots are a cost effective and natural way to add nutrients to the garden and plant your garden at the same time. This method will also reduce the shock that plantlings experience when transferred to the garden. You can purchase this handy device to make the pots or try and make them yourself using this method.

To Make Paper Pots You Will Need:

  • 1 tin can for soup or glass cup
  • Newspaper
  • Tape to hold paper (optional)


  • Take a full sheet of newspaper and lay flat.
  • Fold in half lengthwise and then folding in half again.
  • Place can or galss on strip of newspaper leaving half of the paper overlaps the glass.
  • Roll glass or can tightly around the newspaper.
  • Hold on to space where rolling stopped and push the ends over the top of can.
  • Press down firmly to secure the bottom.
  • Fold in the overlapping edges and form the newspapers at teh bottom to create a small hole for water to drain out.
  •  Place paper pots in a plastic garden flat and fill with garden soil to begin planting seeds or plantlings.

Using paper pots is a great way to minimize stress on plantlings as well as finding other ways to recycle and repurpose household items.  These days, most newspaper ink is soy based and cannot harm plants.  However, make sure the newspapers used are not shiny, as they contain harmful chemicals and heavy metals.  Vegetables such as squash, cucumbers, corn,  and carrots can benefit from this method of growing as they do not like their roots interrupted.  Aside from being cost effective, the greatest benefit to making paper pots is that over time, the newspaper biodegrades into the soil.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Sep 20, 2013

1 thought on “Homemade Paper Pots”

  1. I’ve done this the past two years and they work great!  You can use prescription bottles to make smaller pots.  That way if you have grow lights you can put start more seeds at a time.

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