Is This The End Of Micro Farms?

Tess Pennington | Comments (0) | Reader Views (2973)

Since 2001 there is an ever growing disbelief in the U.S. government’s ways of handling our lives and our freedoms.  Each year our freedoms and rights are being stripped from us – one Congressional Bill at a time.  A new bill has been introduced to Congress that would attempt to implement new laws on locking down our food supplies.   

Under the HR 875 and HR 759 bills, the micro farmers, small farmers and homesteads would be under extreme pressure to live up to unheard of guidelines, and safety inspections.  

If these farmers do not do what they are told, they will pay the price Many fear that the bureaucratic “red tape” will badly hurt the smaller farms who cannot comply.   Some feel this bill is quietly being pushed by big agribusinesses, herbicides and pesticide companies who want to take out their organic farming opponents. 

What Will Happen If The Bill Passes? 

Food Collectivism has happened before – in Russia, during the tyranical Rule of Stalin.  He controlled the people by controlling the food.  If you were a good Communist and loyal to your follower, then you got food.  If Congress approves this bill, it could mean the end of small farms.  And the end of the American dream for some.  This is a frightening thought.  But this is all in your hands.  Contact your local representative now.




Food Safety Modernization Act

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This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jun 11, 2009

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