Tess Pennington

Tess Pennington is the author of The Prepper's Blueprint, a comprehensive guide that uses real-life scenarios to help you prepare for any disaster. Because a crisis rarely stops with a triggering event the aftermath can spiral, having the capacity to cripple our normal ways of life. The well-rounded, multi-layered approach outlined in the Blueprint helps you make sense of a wide array of preparedness concepts through easily digestible action items and supply lists.

Tess is also the author of the highly rated Prepper's Cookbook, which helps you to create a plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply and includes over 300 recipes for nutritious, delicious, life-saving meals. 

Visit her web site at ReadyNutrition.com for an extensive compilation of free information on preparedness, homesteading, and healthy living.


Fruit By Design: The Cotton Candy Grape

Hybridized fruits with distinct flavors would encourage healthy eating practices, but with all the cross-bred foods out there, can’t we leave the fruit alone? Are we so bored in our diets that we have to have designer fruit flavors?

poison residue on dishes

EPA: “The greatest exposure to toxic chemicals is right inside our own homes.”

Those who created chemical-based household products are putting the population at risk for long term health issues. Consumers who are opening their eyes to the true effects of the harmful ingredients in these products are taking matters into their own hands and learning more natural cleaning approaches.

preparedness september

Infographic: National Preparedness Month

This infographic illustrates how massive these disasters can effect our personal lives, our jobs and our commerce.


Nine Years After Hurricane Katrina: What We Have Learned

Hurricane Katrina triggered many of us to wake up and no longer wait for the government to come to our rescue, but to rescue ourselves. Read more on how eye opening this event was and receive the first two chapters of The Prepper’s Blueprint for free.


Jumpstart Your Garden: Regrow Vegetable Food Scraps

Try out these simple kitchen-back-to-garden tricks just for the experience or to boost your food production and shorten the cycle of germination–to–dinner plate.

water on evergreens

Survival Skills: How to Find Water In the Wild

There will be times when we must draw upon our survival knowledge to help us continue on. Knowing how to find this basic, yet necessary skill could save your life.

dry shampp

DIY Dry Shampoo For Healthy Hair

Whether you need a quick fix for a camping trip or want to stock up for a time where your water supply could be turned off, the diy dry shampoo mix is great, natural and makes your hair feel and smell great.

easy gardening

Minutes a Day… To Produce Your Own Food

If you know the right tricks, gardening does not have to be time consuming. Here’s a quick and efficient way to get a robust, healthy garden.

Prepping: Are You Hardcore Enough?

When I first began prepping, I wanted to be a hardcore prepper and had some pretty grandiose conceptions of how that would be. I envisioned being the kind of prepper who could live off the land with nothing but a multitool, some snares and a water bottle. Here’s what I’ve learned since then.

paskett book

Book Review: Food Storage for Self-Sufficiency and Survival

Angela Paskett, author of Food Storage for Self-Sufficiency and Survival: The Essential Guide for Family Prepared, takes you step-by-step through the establishment of a pantry and creates the building blocks you need to add to it and maintain it. This is a must-have book for those putting together or using a food pantry in their home.

home remedies

Natural Remedies That Really Work [Infographic]

Some of the following remedies can be made with essential food pantry staples, while others can use household items. Check out these health hacks that actually work!

daily coin

Interview: Tess Pennington Gets Interviewed By The Daily Coin

In an interview by Rory at the Daily Coin, I was asked some questions on ways to better prepare yourself and your family for the possibility of a pandemic. In the interview, we cover how to get your family prepared, shtf transportation, safe ways to bug out and more. Check out this very informative interview.

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