America is supposed to be the land of the free, not the home of the bureaucrats.
Joshua Krause
Joshua Krause was born and raised in the Bay Area. He is a writer and researcher focused on principles of self-sufficiency and liberty at Ready Nutrition. You can follow Joshua's work at our Facebook page or on his personal Twitter. Joshua's website is Strange Danger
Tsunamis Are an Underrated Threat to Western Nations
It’s been a long time since these waves devastated our shores, but that may change in the near future.
Superbugs Are Pretty Much Everywhere Now
Let’s take a look at a few of the places and things that these critters have been known to occupy.
The Real Reason Why You’re Nearsighted
How could hundreds of millions of people be suffering from a genetic disease that just a few centuries ago, would have nearly been a death sentence?
Survive the Collapse of the American Empire with Max Keiser
While the United States has done everything in its power to convince the world and its own citizens, that it’s just a freedom loving democracy or republic, many of us know better.
Record Breaking Wildfires Will be the Norm in the Future
Why on Earth are these “megafires” chewing up the landscape of North America all of a sudden, when they were practically unheard of a generation ago?
How Prepared Does the Government Want You to Be?
The thought of you actually surviving on your own for more than a weekend must be abhorrent to them.
When the Levees Break, the Whole Nation Is Going to Feel It
This won’t just be a problem for California. It could easily send millions of refugees across the United States, and devastate a region that grows nearly half of America’s produce.