Sara Tipton

The freshest, unprocessed, maple syrup comes directly from trees and you can tap into all of that yummy goodness yourself! Not only does maple syrup taste great, but it can be a potent natural medicine with additional health benefits as well!

From Tree To Table: Tips For Fresh Maple Syrup

The freshest, unprocessed, maple syrup comes directly from trees and you can tap into all of that yummy goodness yourself! Not only does maple syrup taste great, but it can be a potent natural medicine with additional health benefits as well!

There's a reason why water bottles have expiration dates and it's important for you to know.

The REAL Reason Bottled Water Has An Expiration Date

Bottled water is a popular item to store in case of an emergency. So then why is there an expiration date on bottled water?


10 Hilarious Tweets From Those Who Were Prepping For Hurricane Gordon

Although tropical storm Gordon was downgraded from being a hurricane, winds still approached 70 mph as it approached the Alabama/Mississippi border Tuesday. Many preppers braced for the storm that would come, while others made jokes.


Tips For The Caffeinated: Coffee After The SHTF

If you are anything like me, there’s nothing like that first sip of piping hot coffee in the crisp, cool, and silent morning mountain air, then you’ll understand the importance of making sure you’ve got your ‘cup of joe’ covered, even if the SHTF. Here are some tips and tricks to prepare for the worst, while still making sure you continue to enjoy the simple things in life – like your morning coffee.

The elderly are a part of the population that is the most vulnerable during times of evacuation and emergency. They face many concerns both before a disaster strikes and immediately afterward.

24 Common And Frightening Concerns Elderly Disaster Victims Face

The elderly are a part of the population that is the most vulnerable during times of evacuation and emergency. They face many concerns both before a disaster strikes and immediately afterward.


The Dangers Of Disaster Shelters: Are Sex Offenders Welcome?

The dangers of going to a disaster shelter or a FEMA camp during an evacuation are many. Because of this, we’ve spent time attempting to encourage everyone to do their best to avoid both at all costs by having back up plans in place. But there’s one more danger of going to a disaster shelter that is perhaps the most disturbing of all: sexual assault.

Ready-Nutrition-flash flooding

Flood Warnings In New York: Are You Prepared For A Flash Flood?

Thunderstorms have extended the flash flood warnings on the East coast in recent days. Heavy floodwaters have engulfed parts of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, washing out roadways, submerging vehicles and forcing water rescues. Would you be prepared for a flood?

5 Things You Never Thought You Needed In Your Prepper Gear

These items are often overlooked, but in a situation that may mean life or death, these five obscure items could come in handy and might even make your apocalyptic situation seem a little more optimistic.

Ready-Nutrition-How safe are disaster shelters?

Just How Unhealthy And Unsafe Are Disaster Shelters?

Even though FEMA has come out and said they are not efficient nor are they even effective at helping people, most just don’t seem to care, and won’t until it is too late. And a shelter may not have conditions that are any better.

Ready-Nutrition- Preparing for financial collapse

How To Prepare For The 5 Most Common Financial Disasters

The worst financial disasters to affect an individual are often not due to the overall global economy and the bringing about of Armageddon. They are more personal and localized. We have a few tips to help you avoid financial ruin in the event one of these five most common financial horrors were to strike.

Sun Ovens are a prepper essential and a recommended product - Ready Nutrition

7 Uses For A Sun Oven (Other Than Cooking)

Solar ovens are a great addition to any prepper’s gear. Not only can they be used to cook food, but there are several other ways you could use a solar oven in an emergency situation when you don’t have access to modern power sources. When you only have the sun to rely on, a solar oven can be incredibly efficient at many very important tasks.


3 ‘Powerful’ Things You Can Do NOW To Prepare For A Future Grid Failure

In the event of a grid failure, would you be prepared? Many who prep save extra food and water, but have no idea what actually going “off the grid” would entail. But there are some tips and tricks to preparing so you don’t find yourself or your family at the whims of those currently running the political system.

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