Health and Safety

when fruit needs a passport

The Unsustainable Absurdity of the Average American Diet

We eat blueberries in December and drink pumpkin spice lattes in the summer. We eat tropical fruit with Midwestern grains. Without the transportation system, there would be absolutely no rhyme or reason to our “normal” diets.

sick room

The Well-Stocked Sick Room

To decrease the chances of an infectious illness spreading and infecting other household members, consider setting up a sick room. Learn what supplies should be on hand and some preventative measures that will ensure the illness is contained.

The more holistic and natural the supplement, the better it will be for you and the better it will enable you to perform. Learn more about the importance of the whole herb with herbal medicines.

The Whole Herb: The Most Important Principle of Herbal Medicine

The more holistic and natural the supplement, the better it will be for you and the better it will enable you to perform. Learn more about the importance of the whole herb with herbal medicines.

These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers

I firmly believe chemtrails/chembombs spraying is by far the greatest challenge humanity faces and could very well seal its doom. Help spread awareness of this issue, don’t give up and keep doing what you can to expose this issue.


These are the Building Blocks of Survival

We all know that the body needs proteins to keep the body functioning properly but it must also have these basic structures to manufacture proteins.


These Are the Diseases That Will Run Rampant When the SHTF

f you find yourself if a long-term disaster, you may think that violence will be the most likely way to die. But Mother Nature has plans of her own.

They’re Watching You. Your Home Security System Isn’t as Secure as You Think

If there’s any access from your security system to the open internet – you must assume that the live stream of your home has been intercepted, analyzed, cataloged and stored permanently.


Thinking About your Neighborhood from a Tactical Perspective

A police presence could be non-existent in a crisis or disaster and it will be back to you and possibly your neighbors to defend your village or neighborhood.


This Fatty Food Promotes A Healthy Heart And Waistline‏

The myth persists that high fat foods gunk up your arteries and pad your hips. But it’s just not true especially when it comes to the highest fat fruit on the planet – the avocado (Persea Americana).

This is How You Can Dodge Facial Recognition Software

Helen of Troy, according to the Odyssey, was “the face that launched a thousand ships,” prior to the Greek invasion […]

This Is How You Prevent Dehydration During the Hottest Time of the Year

We’re coming upon the hottest time of the year and knowing how to prevent heat-related injuries is crucial to your survival.

Everyone - yes, including you and your family, and even your pets - is at risk of becoming a victim of this insidious poison.

This is One of the Unspoken Dangers That (Silently and Quickly) Kills During Emergencies

Everyone – yes, including you and your family, and even your pets – is at risk of becoming a victim of this insidious poison. Fortunately, simple precautions can keep you and your family safe.

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