Chicken coops need a little T.L.C. during the winter months. Here are 6 ways to winterize your coop and keep your chickens warm and cozy.
Micro Livestock

Raising Farm Animals for the First Time
Before you can reap the benefits of raising animals, you will need to consider first how to feed, shelter, and protect them.

How Goats Can Alert You To Their Health Issues
Experienced goat herders know that each goat has their own unique personality. Their quirks can be a way of alerting you to their ailments.

Turning Kitchen Scraps into Free Eggs
For those of you like me that hate food waste supplementing animal feed in this way might save you a fair bit of cash.

The Ultimate Chicken Crap Composting Guide
Using chicken manure is excellent as a soil amendment and hailed as a top choice for organic gardeners. Here are some recommendations to get you started using chicken manure in your compost pile.

How To Make Pumpkin Seed Treats for Chickens
Your chickens will love this special treat and you will love the added health benefits of a healthy flock.

Homesteading: Ducks vs. Chickens & How We Chose
Some people will be able to have both ducks and chickens on their homestead with no trouble whatsoever. We really wanted to raise a flock of something though for the eggs, and eventually made the decision to raise ducks. This is our story of how and why we ended up with 6 ducks and zero chickens.

10 Foods You Should Not Feed Your Chickens
Chickens enjoy a varied diet , and you can put almost anything in front of them and they will happily consume it. But there are a few food types to steer clear of.

Thriving When It Counts: How To Use Bug Infested Food
You may have done everything right in protecting your dry pantry goods, but there are times when bugs find a way into your food supply. While these infestations may prevent humans from consuming it, take comfort in knowing that all is not lost!

DIY: Grow a Week’s Worth of Livestock Feed For Pennies!
Creating your own fodder system is an economic solution to ensuring your livestock receives a well-rounded diet. This nutrient-dense diet will keep your animals healthier and happier in the process, thus reducing vet bills. Keep these tips in mind and create an ever-growing fodder system for your livestock.