Micro Farming

vertical garden

The Crop Yields Found in Vertical Farming Will Blow Your Mind

This vertical farm is what community wide preparedness would like. If our society was serious about sustainability, and reluctant to rely on an aging and vulnerable infrastructure for its needs, greenhouses like this would be everywhere.

Three Natural Approaches To Clearing Land of Tree Stumps and Invasive Plants

Clearing the land in a natural capacity is harder work than it seems. These three natural approaches can cut down on time and money so that you can create a chemical-free environment.

food security

6 Fool-Proof Tips For a Successful Garden

As rewarding as it is to produce your own food source, it takes practice and work to refine this pertinent skill. For those who have just discovered their green thumbs, take note of some simple advice that can help your garden grow to its maximum extent.

jersey cow

What Miniature Cows Mean for Your Homestead

Petite livestock choices is a cost-effective alternative and could be the answer to helping the self-reliant family achieve food freedom.


7 SHTF Reasons Why Sunflowers Are a Multi-Purpose Prep

Growing these seeds will help you create the sustainable environment you are working toward. Here are six ways the sunflower can be beneficial in a long-term emergency.

spring veggies

10 Cool Season Plants You Can Grow Today!

Even though the days are still cool, there are some seeds you can start today. Here are some cool-season vegetables and growing tricks for a great harvest.


[Video] Why You Should Consider Quail For the Urban Homestead

Raising food sources in urban settings or those living in close proximity to others can pose a problem for some. Urban homesteaders have started efforts in finding microlivestock to raise that will provide adequate nutrition as well as can be raised in small spaces and not annoy neighbors.

Chickens Eating Grains and Grass

10 Foods You Should Not Feed Your Chickens

Chickens enjoy a varied diet , and you can put almost anything in front of them and they will happily consume it. But there are a few food types to steer clear of.


You Need to Grow A LOT of Sugar Beet to Get a Little Sugar

I would usually end up with six or eight jars of beet syrup, four or so jars of crushed leaves and several dozen eggs from the swapping of the mash. Not bad from a handful of seeds.

Ready Gardens Tomatoes

10 Gardening Tips for Growing Market-Worthy Tomatoes

It’s just about that time of year when you need to get your tomatoes started! Here are my top tips for growing the biggest, juiciest tomatoes that will be the envy of the neighborhood!


10 Self-Survival Tips and Info Bits for Urban Homesteading

You don’t have to live in a rural area to enjoy the fruits of your own labor. Many people in the suburbs and cities are learning how to homestead (live a lifestyle of self-sufficiency) without ever leaving their cities.

deadly rabbit food

30 Deadly Plants You Should Never Feed To Your Rabbits

As easy as rabbits are to care for, you do need to be mindful of the kinds of foods that they eat. Rabbits that graze can quickly run into mischief and eat foods that could be deemed deadly.

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