News and Commentary


6 Lessons to Learn from the Oroville Dam Disaster

The Oroville dam disaster is a reminder of how important it is to be prepared and to be able to react at a moments notice.


How Big Brother Could Be Spying on You Through Your Prescriptions

Prescription meds are a way that the Big Brother state can maintain control over your medical supplies and monitor you as an individual.


Intelligence Insider: How To Protect Your Assets From Critical Infrastructure Failure

These things are actually happening and your digital wealth is vulnerable to a number of calamities.

living without survival tools

Why Preppers Should Learn to Survive Without Brand Name Equipment

None of us are going to be completely prepared when the bottom drops out and your brand name labels won’t always save you.


How Everyday Activities Creates a Complete Workout

In a SHTF scenario, you will probably not be able to visit HappyFitness Gym, but you still have a need to exercise.

Plans to Evac Trump out of Manhattan? Clue to Keep Prepping!

The world situation is not as picture-perfect as the positivist media would lead you to believe.

A Storm is Coming: Preppers Must Stay Vigilant in 2017

Do not stop the preparations for even one minute. Just because the “Captains” are about to change does not mean that the ship will change its course…the one taking it toward a wreck on the reefs.

This Winter Prep Could be the Most Essential Tool in Your Arsenal

This winter prepping tool will make your home more self-sufficient than you might ever have imagined.


Revolutions and Reforms: An Eroded Culture

An erosion of our culture is what we’ve seen, and the current national protests are not a “revolution,” but a counter-revolution: they are a revolt against the peaceful revolution that occurred when you voted in the last election.

dysfunctional holidays

How to Save the Conversation at Your Post-Election Thanksgiving Dinner

Does your family put the ‘fun’ in dysfunction? The following tips can help to make your holiday get together manageable and enjoyable and can help you focus on your families’ similarities, rather than differences.


Why You Should Pay Attention to the Anti-Trump Riots and How to Prepare

At times like these, it is more important than ever to ensure that you have the knowledge and ability to defend yourself and your loved ones from threats that may come at the most unexpected times.


We Will Not Go Gently Into the Night: The Silent Majority Speaks

I receive letters from many of you from all across the country. All of these letters have one thing in common: they were written by men and women such as yourselves…men and women “who will not go gently into that good night…who will not give up without a fight.”

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