Venezuelan President calls for “food sovereignty,” and urges urban people to start small farms and raise chickens in their homes in order to feed themselves.
News and Commentary
The End State: 5 Triggering Events That Would Place the U.S. Under Martial Law
There are triggering events that can suspend our rights and cause government leaders to declare Martial Law under the Constitution. Let’s take a look at 5 methods the administration would be most likely to utilize to reach this end state.
The Divide: The Roughest Post-Nuclear Film You’ve Ever Seen
If you can prepare yourself beforehand by observing such things and using them for training tools, as I’ve mentioned in the past, then that shock value will be decreased somewhat, as self-conditioning with these types of films is a form of mental preparation for things that will be faced down the road.
MeWe: A Safer Alternative for Social Media
This social media alternative cuts the clutter, don’t track your every move and keeps your personal data your’s and your’s alone.
Americans Risking Financial Disaster: New Survey Reports 7 in 10 Americans Have Less Than $1,000 in Savings
A new poll has emerged indicating that 7 in 10 Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. With the unpredictability of life, having savings is necessary. Here are 5 easy tips to build your savings.
Bartering to Eat: How People on the Streets of Venezuela are Surviving
It seems that Venezuela is in its final death throes. Here are how it’s citizens are surviving a total destabilization of the entire country.
Now That Obama Ceded Control of the Internet, Here’s What It Means
Times they are a changing! Now that the internet is no longer ours, what can we expect both near and far-term?
It’s Time to Prepare for the Worst – Upcoming Internet Surrender Threatens Constitutional Freedoms
The upcoming surrender of the internet on October 1, 2016 marks a dark day in the fight to maintain our Constitutional rights. Before that date arrives, be ready with a backup for all of your information on jump drives and hard copy and prepare for the worst-case scenario.
New ReGen Villages Redefining Off-Grid Living
Time will tell if this concept will be the new norm in off-grid living, but it’s certainly an interesting development.
Did You Know That You Can Reload Primers? Here’s How
The head of a strike anywhere match can be ground up and used to refill a primer.