News and Commentary

gold wikimedia

The Real Reason Why Gold Prices Are Falling

At some point, something has got to give. Either real gold will start to trickle back into the system, or the Comex vault will collapse.

package delivery

How to Get Your Packages Safely Delivered This Holiday Season

Here’s a few tips for making sure that your gifts can safely endure the rigors of our modern delivery system. Some of them aren’t as obvious as you might think.

The Post-Antibiotic Era is Finally Upon Us

Antibiotics are very close to becoming useless, and until alternative solutions are ironed out the world is going to be quite a bit more dangerous than it was before.

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El Niño Is Going to Be Followed by a Devastating La Niña

Will it be the end of the world? Hardly. But it’s definitely something you should be preparing for.

camper van

Surviving Poverty Part 1: How to Live in a Van

If homelessness is a real possibility in your life, it’s something that you should be preparing for, not waiting for.

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No Boat, No Life Preserver: How to Stay Alive in Open Waters

When most of us imagine the possibility of being lost at sea, we typically assume that we’ll be stuck on a flimsy life raft in the middle of the ocean.


Tech Company Develops the World’s First EMP-Proof Wallpaper

Someday soon, turning your house into an EMP proof, counter-surveillance bunker may be no more difficult, nor any more expensive than a home makeover.


Japan Confirms First Possible Fukushima Radiation Casualty

It’s been over 4 years since the Fukushima Daiichi power plant was practically destroyed by a tsunami that devastated the surrounding area, but the propaganda campaign has never stopped.

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McDonald’s May Be “Facing Its Final Days”

They’re losing money, and instead of improving the quality of their product and their service, they just keep attempting new marketing gimmicks until something sticks.

silver eagles

What’s Really Driving the Price of Physical Silver?

According to most precious metal investors, a day of reckoning is rapidly approaching for the silver market.

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Study Reveals Ginger May Be Stronger than Chemo for Fighting Cancer

It’s a food with curative powers that have been highly regarded for centuries, though science is still unlocking its secrets.


Too Big to Fail: El Niño Event Is Practically Guaranteed This Year

With rising sea temperatures in the South Pacific, and trade winds that are weaker than normal, all signs are indicating that a record breaking rainy season is on the horizon.

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