Book Reviews


Could Our Parenting Style Be Damaging Our Kids? This Author Thinks Some Changes Could Be Made.

By decreasing parental involvement, Gopnik shows how we allow our children to learn from ther mistakes, make better decisions, and use their imaginations.


Big Pharma and the ADHD Industrial Complex: A Review of ADHD Nation

Schwartz dismantles the ADHD “epidemic” by showing how the creation of a drug spurred a medical condition, not the other way around.


Your Neighbors Could Be Your Worst Nightmare in an Emergency

Today’s neighbors can morph into tomorrow’s marauders in the blink of an eye.


Book Review: “You Are Your Own Gym”

Are you looking for a book that breaks down every calisthenics exercise known to man and tells exactly what specific muscle groups are built by the exercise? This is the book for you!


Ancient Secrets to Relieving Back Pain

Back pain is a big deal. It will affect almost every American over the course of their lifetime, and in many cases, it goes on to become chronic and untreatable. But there is a way to avoid this ailment altogether.


Herbal Antibiotics: When the SHTF, You Will Need This Book

Diseases such as typhus, cholera, dysentery, and others will be prevalent in long-term emergencies, as well as bacterial infections. This book will help you to identify the illness and to take that definitive action to arrest the process.

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Book Review:  The Coming Dark Age

Roberto Vacca had a vision of a time that is not too far in the future from where we are, and maybe even sooner than we think.


When The Meds Run Out, These are The Natural Alternatives That Could Save Your Life

Have you ever wondered what you would do if there were no pharmacy? Having a background in herbal and natural medicine will undoubtedly be a must-have skill to possess. Author and herbalist, Cat Ellis discusses this vast subject and shares information about her popular selling book, Prepper’s Natural Medicine.

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Book Review: Eat the Weeds

The book, Eat the Weeds contains a plethora of information based in research that can definitely help you from perspectives of nutrition, home budgeting, and preparedness.


Rich Dad: How to Create Financial Freedom in a World That Would Make You a Debt Slave

We are living through a time that will go down in the history books as one of epic economic turmoil. Instead of three economic groups (Rich, Middle Class, and Poor) we are quickly dividing into two groups: richer and poorer.


Six Books on Plant Foraging You Won’t Want to Miss

Of all the skills a prepper might attain, I think the ability to forage for plants may be one of the most coveted. Not because it’s all that special, but because it’s one of the more difficult skills you could master.

the organic canner

Finding Food Freedom One Jar at a Time: The Organic Canner Book Review

Daisy Luther’s new book, “The Organic Canner,” exemplifies the self-reliant message we all hold dear, “get back to your roots.” This book takes you down the path toward food freedom and sustaining your family with fresh, healthy foods. Read more of my review for this canning resource.