Dietary Wellness


Oh What Do You Do With The Leftovers?

Whatever day you chose to eat it on I have always found that one of the main problems with turkey is what to do with the leftovers.

Pantry Basics: Staple Foods Focus on Bread

Bread, in all its forms is the most widely consumed staple in the world. Whether you’re living paycheck to paycheck or trying to stretch the foods you put up for winter, homemade bread can play an important role in filling bellies and nourishing the soul.

Physical Fitness and Survival: Why Your Body Needs Recovery Time

Your body is a machine that you have to maintain. Rest and recovery are just as important as the work you’ll be performing.


Politics Poison Public Health: What You Need to Know About Arsenic

When most of us hear the word “arsenic”, we immediately think “poison” – and for good reason. How much of this deadly toxin are you consuming?

junk food

Poor Diet Causes More Disease Than All Vices Combined

Yes, one would correctly surmise that our poor health has been caused by a combination of factors. However, as surprising as it may sound, one of those factors stands out from rest.


Popular Hollywood Hallucinogenic Plant Could Have Dangerous Side Effects

In this light, many times some of these exotic herbs have been used for innocuous or innocent purposes with well-meaning, and through no fault of their own, people have gotten hurt or worse.


Potassium Bromate In Your Flour And Baked Goods Causes Cancer

Did you know that in the United States there is a likelihood that a carcinogen is in your flour or some of the baked goods that you buy?

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Put These Essential Supplies In Your Pantry Today

Growing herbs and spices to reduce your current grocery bill or to enhance your diet after a disruption in trade is essential for any well-stocked pantry.

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Rabbits As A Survival Food Source

As a prepper who wants to know I can survive some possible disaster scenarios, it makes sense to me, because it’s something I can do “right here and now” as a practical survival skill that isn’t socially unacceptable and which will thus be in place already if some disaster scenario does take place.


Researchers Discover Fasting Can Significantly Prolong Life

They’ve figured out an eating regimen that can produce many of the same healthy effects, without fully abstaining from food.

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Scurvy…Coming To a Town Near You Post Collapse

Incidences of scurvy could dramatically increase during a post-collapse situation. Should that crisis continue for a period of years however, and access to fresh fruit and vegetables has not been secured, then it is more likely than not that there will be a resurgence of cases of this debilitating, and if untreated, fatal condition.

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Simply Sprouting

Sprouts are a delicious alternative to expensive bottles of vitamins which can lose their nutritional value as well as expire within a year of it being purchased. In fact, sprouts provide the highest amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes of any of food per unit of calorie.

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