Butterflies are an excellent addition to any backyard or garden and attracting them is easy and doesn’t require much space. Here’s a DIY weekend project that the kids can do with you!
Home and Family
Summer Checklist for a Safe and Happy Home
Summer comes with a season-specific checklist for household safety. Take advantage of the longer days and a less intense schedule and go through these 6 tips to keep your household organized, safe, and de-cluttered in the summer months.
Five Family-Friendly Food Pantry Organizing Tips Anyone Can Do
Organizational guru, Misty Anderson shares her tips and tricks for taking advantage of Spring cleaning fever and organizing the cluttered pantry.
“Unprecedented” Flood Season: How To Know If Your Home Has Water Damage
Across large swaths of the United States, people are deeply entrenched in an unprecedented flood season. From cyclone bombs to the complete annihilation of farmland and crops across the nations, Americans are experiencing one of the worst flood seasons in history.
S.O.S: Organizing Tips for Today’s Busy Mom: Simple Tips for Packing Up Christmas
The it’s-time-to-put-Christmas-away internal alarm has gone from a gentle hum to deafening beep-beep-beep that can no longer be ignored. (I guess I hit snooze one too many times this Christmas season.) Organizing tips to help you store your holiday treasures more efficiently.
Packing for Family Vacations is a Breeze With These Organizational Tips
Traveling with kids has a ton of challenges, but with these handy tips, packing their clothes won’t be one of them.
Spring Cleaning Tips: 3 Steps Away to a Sparkling, Organized Refrigerator
There is no denying that a well-organized kitchen can save you time and money and nowhere is that more apparent than with the refrigerator. So let’s grab a trash bag, your favorite cleaner, and a few rags and let’s tame the beast.
S.O.S. Save Our Sanity: Five Things To Do Before Closing the Door on Christmas
Take advantage of the lessons learned during the busy Christmas season and prepare for next year’s in order to make it less chaotic. Use these 5 tips to prepare and stay organized.
SOS: How to Organize and Store Wrapping Paper
If you are anything like me, putting the holidays behind us is easier said than done. Now is the time to start organizing your gift wrapping closet to keep your gift wrap organized. Here are five DIY storage solutions for storing wrapping paper.
You’ve Been Cleaning Your Oven The Wrong Way. This Is Brilliant!
The results are going to blow your mind. If there were more life hacks as this one life would be a lot easier!
How to Stay Safe While Traveling Abroad
If you are planning a trip, it can be easy to get caught up in details about all of the exciting places you are going to visit, transportation, lodging, buying tickets, packing, and securing your home. There’s so much to do! But, be sure not to neglect one VERY important aspect of travel: safety.
These Off-Grid Summer Strategies Could Save Your Food Supply and Keep You Safe
In the coming months, the power grid will be pushed to extremes and can force homes off the grid if temperatures reach maximums. Keep these tips and considerations in mind to help you become more resilient to the lasting effects of power outages during extreme heat events.