Natural Living

Life is a journey that starts with small, achievable goals. Get inspired and explore our natural living resources on dietary wellness, physical wellness, natural medicine, and learn more about how health supplements can improve your wellbeing so you can live your best life yet.

immune boosting beef broth

Immune Boosting Bone Broth {recipes included}

That savory tonic infused with fresh vegetables and herbs really does do a body good. In fact, it’s backed by science. Use these recipes today and start enjoying the health benefits from this ancient diet food.

For many of us, the shorter, colder days of fall and winter mean less sunlight exposure, less exercise, and less access to fresh produce. We tend to get sick more often during fall and winter, but there are things we can do to reduce the risk.

Immune System-Boosting Nutrients You May Need During Fall and Winter

For many of us, the shorter, colder days of fall and winter mean less sunlight exposure, less exercise, and less access to fresh produce. We tend to get sick more often during fall and winter, but there are things we can do to reduce the risk.


Influenza Sorbet

The next time you find yourself coming down with the flu, settle yourself into your favorite chair and indulge in the influenza sorbet – because you deserve it.

organic infographic

Infographic: What Does Organic Really Mean?

It seems that the meaning of the term “organic” lies in the eye of the beholder. According to this shocking infographic, it seems that our commercialized food sources are not held to the same standards that those who produce their own food sources are.


Interested in Aromatherapy? Start with These Scents

Aromatherapy is the practice of using different scents, such as oils, flowers, spices, or herbs, to treat symptoms of common illnesses and potentially offer long-term health benefits.

body health

Intro to Total Body Healing: The Bonnie Mickelson Way

When disaster or societal collapse occurs and the healthcare system is nonexistent, preppers and survivalists will be forced to rely on themselves and their families. Here is another discipline for you to learn about that may make the difference for you and your family in those times.

Our diet during a long-term disaster can play a large role in our health. Those with iron deficiencies, pay attention. #ReadyNutrition

Iron Deficiencies: Dietary Consideration for when the SHTF

Our diet during a long-term disaster can play a large role in our health. Those with iron deficiencies, pay attention.


Ironing Day Using Flat Irons: The Blight of My Life

There were two types of iron years ago, the solid metal ones, flat irons which was what I had, and box iron, a similar thing, but the top of the iron where the handle is, lifted up letting you put hot embers inside to save keep reheating it.

Is Minimalism the True Secret to Happiness?

My grandma used to say no matter how much you think you want some material thing, one day you’ll be begging somebody to take it off your hands. Minimalism, she insisted, is the key to a peaceful life.

sugar cubes wikimedia

Is Sugar Really Just as Addictive as Cocaine?

Despite the health effects of sugar becoming widely known in recent years, sugar consumption continues to rise across the globe.

Ready Nutrition - CDC Flu Season Preparedness

Is the CDC More Prepared for This Year’s Flu Season? And – Are You?

After the 2017 horrific flu season, many are wondering if in fact the CDC is prepared for this year’s flu season. Hear the CDC’s concerns, know the facts, and learn how to improve your immune system naturally to fight the dreaded flu season.

Is Your Sunscreen Giving You Cancer?

Your sunscreen could be giving you cancer. Learn more about naturally derived sunscreens and which ingredients to look for to better protect your skin and your health.

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