Believe me when I say that I have probably made every prepping mistake in the book. It’s time to use these mistakes as learning experiences for those who are just beginning their preparedness efforts.
Prepping Calculators
What’s Your Annual Radiation Dose?
Everyone is so concerned about radiation levels increasing due to the disaster in Japan. Ironically, we absorb radiation everyday. Knowing the proper levels of radiation we are exposed to each year can help us stay healthier.
Prepping: Basic Beginners Guide – Why Prep? (Pt. 1)
Prepping is for those who are preparing for the unknown future, and for those who see the importance of having necessary items in place before a disaster strikes. This guide is a 2 part series that will give you the basic fundamental knowledge on how to start prepping, help you gain an understanding of why you need to have certain disaster supplies, and give insight on where to get certain supplies.
Essential Prepping Calculators
These essential prepping calculators will help a preppers accuarately measure what he or she will need for a short or long term emergency. These prepping calculators range from basic food storage calculators, to gardening calculators to weapon and ammunition calculators.