
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

snowed in car

A Few Tips for Surviving a Blizzard in a Stranded Car

It just goes to show that when a storm is in your path, no matter where you live, you should prepare yourself and your vehicle for the possibility of being stranded in snowy weather.

A Free Falling Economy Makes Bartering Go Boom

One thing is for sure: bartering for goods and services boom during tough times. Many situations can cause a person to barter for goods. It could be as simple as neighbors exchanging skills and services to help each other out, or it could be due to economic turmoil, currency inflation, a bug out situation or natural disaster.

A Green Beret’s Guide to Prepper Firearms

If you can’t defend it, you don’t own it. Here are firearm recommendations from a green beret on every type of situation.

double barrel shotgun wikimedia

A Green Beret’s Shotgun Review for Preppers

What good are all of your supplies if you can’t protect them from bears, burglars, or would-be marauders when a collapse occurs?


A Green Beret’s Guide To Action Bags: “Your Go-To-Kit When You Have To Pop Smoke & Depart In a Rapid Manner”

Whether you’re being hunted for food by zombies as in “World War Z,” being chased by Homey-the-Clown and thugs with civil rioting, or whether the EMP has struck, a good A-bag and equipment can give you a better chance for success…and survival. Don’t wait to find/scrounge the tools you need. Pack it in yourself and stay ahead of the game.


A Green Beret’s Guide to EMP: Practical Steps to Prepare for a “Lights Out” Scenario (Part 1)

Our way of life – from everyday conveniences and the security of local emergency services to commerce and communications – is dependent on the grid always on and running smoothly. When the lights go out, it’s a whole different story. This article and the series are going to focus on some basic things we can do to help us prepare beforehand for such a scenario.


A Green Beret’s Guide To Planning Your Personal Posture: “First Things First: Always Be Armed”

If you walk away with anything, walk away with this – Take action today, because tomorrow may be too late.


A Major Lyme Disease Outbreak Is Coming; Here’s How You Can Protect Yourself

This event is probably going to spread the disease to areas surrounding the typical hotspots. And unfortunately, most of the people living in those areas have no idea.


A Prepper’s DIY: Building Your Own Cleaning Kits for Firearms

Bottom line: your weapon can’t take care of you unless it is properly taken care of. You can be smart and use some of these tips to lessen the bite to your wallet.

A Prepper’s Guide to Cold Weather Gear: 10 Must-Haves to Stay Warm in the Harshest of Conditions

Having the right gear when exposed to harsh elements is vital to your survival. Get your go-bags prepped for winter with this winter gear guide.


A Prepper’s Story: Life Threatening Emergencies Happen At The Darndest Times

The fact is that emergencies happen more often than we’d like to admit. By definition, they are serious and totally unexpected. But having even the most basic of preparedness supplies and knowledge could be a life saver, or at the very least, may help to prevent panic and confusion.


A Quick and Dirty Guide to Tick Removal and Prevention

Besides chiggers and mosquitoes, I don’t think there is any critter I loath more than ticks. Aside from the obvious “creepy crawler” factor, they also suck your blood, leave hideous bites, and spread debilitating diseases.

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