
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

cyber attack

Cyber Attack May Be To Blame For Deadly Amtrak Crash: “It’s Unclear Whether the Speed Was Increased Manually”

For Amtrak or the government to admit a cyber attack is or could be responsible would certainly send panic across the country for the millions of commuters who use public railways.


D-Day Memories From Knowle Cottage

When my mother opened the door on the morning of June 6th 1944 there was a pile of tin cans on the step, and the path, dozens and dozens of them.

5 piece kit

Daily Disaster Drills and The 5 C’s of Survivability

Emergency preparedness doesn’t cover the entire scope of self-reliance. However, it often times serves as a gateway or starting line for deeper self-reliance and Doing the Stuff skills.


David’s Complacency Could Have Been The Death of Him

In really bad weather, when the moors are freezing, his complacency could have been the death of him. Last night the weather was awful, but it was still well above freezing.

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Dealing With Ebola Infected Corpses

Some may find the following upsetting and rather dispassionate, and for that I’m sorry, but this article isn’t about feelings and grieving, it’s about staying alive.


Defeating Death: A True Survival Saga

It all seemed perfect at first. A weekend getaway at a secluded cabin in Louisiana. Then, things took a turn for the worse. Read more about how a couple survived death by drowning, hypothermia, alligators, and dangers of the swamp.


Defensive Driving Tips Every Prepper Should Know (Especially #6)

While this is a great skill to have now, in post-SHTF times, defensive driving skills could mean the difference between life and death from not only automobile accidents, but from looters and raiders that are trying to get what you have.


Did You Know That You Can Reload Primers? Here’s How

The head of a strike anywhere match can be ground up and used to refill a primer.


Disaster Preparedness Overload

If you have some basic supplies, some ingenuity and a little horse-sense, you have a fighting chance in a serious disaster.

Disaster Supplies for Surviving a Flood

Floods and flash floods can come on fast and can create critical and unpredictable situations that require people to stay in their homes or evacuate if the waters enter the home. The right supplies can sustain a person and their family until the waters recede or help them to evacuate to higher ground. Gathering the necessary items ahead of time is the safest and most proactive approach to disaster safety. A good rule of thumb when planning for a possible disaster is to prepare for the worst case scenario so that all issues will be covered.


DIY Rainwater Catchment System

Did you know that if you have 1,000 square feet of roof and it rains an inch or two one day, that one rainfall has provided you with 600-1,200 gallons of water falling from your roof?

Disaster: It’s Not a Case of If, But When

A Decisive Plan of Action should take into account the pros and cons of any given situation. Be objective. Your main priorities are shelter, fire, and water/food. What is an alternate plan? Always have Plan A, B and C.

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