
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

Young fair-haired woman holding man at his hand looking suppliantly at him while he grasps her hair. Isolated on grey background

Hard Core Chicks: Eight Self Defense Tactics Every Women Should Know

Crime has escalated exorbitantly and women must know when to go from passive to a fierce warrior.

Knife stuck into a tree in forest

Hardcore Prepper Blades: Gerber Mark II a Must-Have

The Mark II has great balance and the handle feels really good in the hand. It’s a really nice piece, and somewhat affordable (prices vary) as opposed to having a custom knife made.


Hardcore Walking Dead Survival Tips for Preppers

The Walking Dead can be more than entertainment. Use it as a training tool for emergency planning.


Harvesting and Utilizing Wild Grapes

Go hunting for wild grapes. Once you find them, you’ll start seeing the fruit everywhere. And once you’ve had wild grape jam or jelly… you’ll never go back to store-bought grape jelly.


Have a Very Merry Revolutionary War-Remembering Christmas!

It is important to remember our heritage as Americans, our traditions of family and Christmas, and the spirit of brotherhood and goodness that in the end, with God’s blessing, will carry us through.

Ready Nutrition - Hidden Water Sources in the Home

Having a Water Supply During a Long-Term Disaster

Water is essential to life. Having a way of providing your family with clean drinking water is vital. Learn ways to create water sources for longer term emergencies.

Hawaii’s False Alarm: 10 Ways to Prepare for WWIII

The bottom line: the government was not prepared to deal with it had it been an actual emergency, and individuals were next to helpless in the face of the threat.


He Who Hesitates is Lost: The Psychology of Survival

In a crisis situation, denial can be deadly.

ARCHIV: Ein Flugzeug landet in Frankfurt am Main auf der neuen Landebahn Nordwest des Frankfurter Flughafens (Foto vom 21.10.11). In der Nacht zum Montag (31.10.11) gilt mit dem Winterflugplan erstmals ein Nachtflugverbot an Deutschlands groesstem Flughafen in Frankfurt am Main. Der Hessische Verwaltungsgerichtshof hat mit dem Vollbetrieb der neuen Landebahn Nachtfluege zwischen 23.00 und 5.00 Uhr vorlaeufig verboten. (zu dapd-Text)
Foto: Martin Oeser/dapd

Health Care Workers Will Most Likely be the Source of the Next Pandemic

It took the patient more than a week before he sought help in an emergency department in Orlando, Florida. Once he arrived, he waited nearly 12 hours in the ER before staff recognized a MERS link and placed him in an isolation room. The patient did not have signs of a respiratory infection, not even a cough

Heed the Disaster, Know the Dangers

Disasters come in all shapes and forms.  While many have adequately prepared for a possible threat, some people’s worst enemy […]

Helping a Child Adjust After a Disaster

After a disaster, children may have a difficult time coming to terms with what has happened. Learning the signs to look for and now to show extra care during this traumatic time.


Herbal Antibiotics: When the SHTF, You Will Need This Book

Diseases such as typhus, cholera, dysentery, and others will be prevalent in long-term emergencies, as well as bacterial infections. This book will help you to identify the illness and to take that definitive action to arrest the process.

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