
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.


New Altered Bacteria Can Convert Sunlight Into Liquid Fuel

Researcher have now paired a solar-powered catalyzing device with genetically engineered bacteria to convert water and carbon dioxide into fuel. The system has been dubbed the bionic leaf!


New Flu Strains Threaten Public as CDC Admits to Flu Medicine Shortage

As the numbers for those infected with the flu continue to rise, the CDC has come out with a new warning indicating that new strains are emerging just as this year’s flu season is about to peak, thus causing even more health issues for the public.

first aid dollar photo club

New Plant Based Gel Can Stop Bleeding in Seconds

Someday soon, everyone’s medicine cabinet may have a cheap, natural substance, capable curing injuries that once required emergency care to heal.

New ReGen Villages Redefining Off-Grid Living

Time will tell if this concept will be the new norm in off-grid living, but it’s certainly an interesting development.

gosun grill

New Solar Stove Is Capable of Cooking at Night

It’s capable of cooking at night or in inclement weather, and only needs about 2 hours of sunlight to heat up.


News: Solar Activity Higher as NASA Claims No Danger

We have a major event happening on the sun at the moment. NASA does not believe there will be a problem…but there may be one, and that is all the clue that one needs at times.

ocean wave wikimedia

No Boat, No Life Preserver: How to Stay Alive in Open Waters

When most of us imagine the possibility of being lost at sea, we typically assume that we’ll be stuck on a flimsy life raft in the middle of the ocean.


No Boys Allowed: Female SHTF Preparations

Ladies, stockpiling sanitary napkins and tampons is not the only way to prepare for your long-term sanitation needs. We have options! Keep reading to get the 4-1-1 on alternatives.

No Yard? No Problem! You Can STILL Grow Food!

Don’t let anyone tell you that you must have acreage in the country to increase your personal sustainability. As long as you’re creative and refuse to be discouraged, you’ll be surprised to learn how much of your own food you can produce anywhere you happen to hang your hat.

Source - NOAA

NOAA Warns of Heavy Flooding Occurring This Spring

It won’t take much for heavy flooding to occur in certain areas this spring due to the unusually cold and wet winter that occurred. Prepare for this type of disaster beforehand.

chimney sweeping

Not Doing This Before Winter Could Endanger Your Home

Many homesteaders and preparedness minded individuals have wood burning stoves in the home to rely on in off-grid situations. Like all preparedness tools, you need to keep these primed and ready to go.

Nuclear War: Challenges with Livestock and Farm Animals

ReadyNutrition Readers, this piece is to provide some food for thought for livestock and animals you may have, and therefore would need to protect in the event of a nuclear war.

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