
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

sine inverter

Prepping to Survive: The Nautical Series Pt. 5: SHTF Inverters

In a SHTF scenario, running a diesel generator for prolonged periods is not going to be a good idea; diesel fuel will likely be in short supply. Therefore, consider adding a power inverter to your shtf supplies to help prolong your power source.


Prepping to Survive: The Nautical Series Pt. 6: When the SHTF – Gardening Afloat

In an extended emergency, we are going to need all the nutritional help we can get our hands on. Keep reading on how one man has equipped his bug out boat with sprouting equipment in order to maintain his dietary vitamin intake in an extended scenario.


Prepping to Survive: The Nautical Series: Pt. 3 Solar Power

Learn, in depth how one prepper has equipped his yacht with solar energy as a means to thrive during a long-term emergency, as well as understand how we can all utilitize and harness the sun’s energy.


Prepping: A Beginner’s Guide – Essential Items Needed for Disaster Preparation (Pt. 2)

A prepper knows that there are possible threats, and it only makes sense to be as prepared as possible beginning with elemental disaster items to sustain basic needs (food, water, clothing and shelter) and then adding more preparedness layers onto it. However, many decide to expand their disaster supplies to encompass a longer duration in the case that emergency response is delayed. This is why preppers believe in having “back ups for their back ups.”

Prepping: Are You Hardcore Enough?

When I first began prepping, I wanted to be a hardcore prepper and had some pretty grandiose conceptions of how that would be. I envisioned being the kind of prepper who could live off the land with nothing but a multitool, some snares and a water bottle. Here’s what I’ve learned since then.


Prepping: Basic Beginners Guide – Why Prep? (Pt. 1)

Prepping is for those who are preparing for the unknown future, and for those who see the importance of having necessary items in place before a disaster strikes. This guide is a 2 part series that will give you the basic fundamental knowledge on how to start prepping, help you gain an understanding of why you need to have certain disaster supplies, and give insight on where to get certain supplies.

Primitive Living Skills: Creating Off-Grid Light Sources

So many of us have become accustomed to the convenience of electricity that we’ve forgotten how to get along without it.

homestead protection

Protect Your Property with a Homestead Declaration

Remember, prepping is not just for a natural disaster or a global thermonuclear war. You must also take care of business in the context of the present time, and this means protecting your assets, finances, and property in a standard, legal context.


Protecting Yourself from Harmful Smart Meter Radiation

Here are a few ideas to help protect against smart meter radiation…


Pushing the Button – Pulling the Trigger

If we believe we could push the Red Button then we should close our 401k and/or IRA accounts and stop funding these unConstitutional wars, the drug lords that are supplying our children with heroin and bootleg merchandise and most importantly help stop funding these criminals on Wall Street and in Washington DC.

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Put These Essential Supplies In Your Pantry Today

Growing herbs and spices to reduce your current grocery bill or to enhance your diet after a disruption in trade is essential for any well-stocked pantry.


Quiz: Will You Survive When the SHTF?

Do you have the skills, knowledge, and supplies to survive?

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