
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.


The Number One Knife Skill for Wilderness Survival and Self-Reliance

In skilled hands, knives can do more than spread peanut butter. Check out these hardcore knife-yielding survival skills.

The One Nuclear Threat That Most People Aren’t Aware Of

They have a bona fide doomsday machine.

The One Thing Nobody Tells You About Hunting

Hunting is serious business. It’s probably more real than anything you’ve ever done before, and it requires all the respect and maturity you can muster.


The One Thing You Need To Do Right Now To Prepare For Collapse and Chaos

You can best prepare for collapse and chaos by one simple act.


The One-Year Pantry, Layer by Layer

During an emergency, we are often left to fend for ourselves. Learn how to use layers to create a food storage pantry based on nutritious foods in order for your family to thrive during the most difficult of times.


The Poor Man’s Guide To Survival Gear

While no prepping model is free of expense or of quality concerns, perhaps there is a middle road that activists with thin wallets can take which will provide solid gear for less money, and that will serve most of the functions of high-end gear that is ten times as expensive.


The Power Grid Is Far More Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks Than Most People Realize

This is a dangerous new reality that we live in. Now, someone with a modest education and a small budget can inflict billions of dollars in damages, and leave us all in the dark.

self sufficiency sustainable renewable energy and agriculture auto sufficient and simple living,road sign arrow

The Power of Self-Sufficiency

The toughest, most resilient people as both individuals and as societies all generally have one thing in common – self-sufficiency. This by no means suggests isolationism, but rather the ability to survive, even thrive through one’s own work using resources at their own disposal.

Cute litte girl with attitude wearing red boxing gloves

The Prepared Child

If your prepping efforts are a part of life for your kids, then in the event of a disaster, the shock will be lessened and they will adapt more quickly to the situation at hand. Learn ways to educate your child on disaster preparedness, and ways to teach them critical thinking skills so they become an active participant in the solution.

The Prepared Home: 5 Prepper Projects to Start in the Spring

Here are 5 Spring projects preppers can do to get their homes fortified and preparedness ready.

The Prepared Home: 50 Essential Items to Put in Your Ultimate Survival Medical Kit

We all have our fair share of band-aids and antibiotic ointment, but do you have medical supplies that can help with true medical emergencies? The following list is your basic medical preparations broken into sections of need to help in your organization.

bugging out

The Prepper Conundrum: Bugging Out (Pt. 3)

Bugging out may be our only viable option. This is a continuation of our three part series where we discuss the prepper’s conundrum of whether to bug in or bug out.

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