
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

urban ruins

The Real Cause of Natural Disasters Might Surprise You

The kinds of disasters that are completely unexpected and kill lots of people who didn’t know they were in danger, only strike once in a blue moon.

There's a reason why water bottles have expiration dates and it's important for you to know.

The REAL Reason Bottled Water Has An Expiration Date

Bottled water is a popular item to store in case of an emergency. So then why is there an expiration date on bottled water?

barren city

The Ripple Effect: Water Shortages Likely In Most Populated Cities

With the rapidily growing population, coupled with a severe drought, these cities run the risk of not being able to meet the demand for what many of us believe is a natural right – that is, a water supply.


The Rise Of Superbugs And ‘Nightmare Bacteria’ And How You Can Stay Healthy

“Nightmare bacteria” with unusual resistance to antibiotics of last resort were found more than 200 times in the United States last year in a first-of-its-kind hunt to see how much of a threat these rare cases have become. It’s also important to realize that there are steps that can be taken to help stem the evolution of these superbugs and remain healthy.


The Romance and Reality of Wilderness Survival

Here we give you some of the common mistakes survivalists make so you won’t have to repeat them when the time comes.

snarling dog

The Signs You Need to Know When Your Dog Is About to Bite!

The sooner you learn these signs, the sooner you’ll develop a much better relationship with your pet.

silent hunter

The Silent Hunter: 3 Badass Reasons To Own a Crossbow

The Crossbow is a useful hunting tool for supplying game, survival, and as an all-around great tool to practice marksmanship.


The Silver Bullet: Making Your Own Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver has been around for centuries and it’s many uses make it a favorite among preppers and those who prefer natural medicine. Learn how to make your own colloidal silver using a few items from your prepper stash.

core temperature control

The Single Best Piece of Survival Gear for Emergency Core Temperature Control

Mother Nature is always true to her nature. You can’t change her. She’s beautifully rugged, awe-inspiring, and occasionally deadly. Best be prepared when she tries to make your life miserable.

solar storm

The Single Most Important Thing You Need To Know About Solar Storms

Solar storms are no joking matter; however, with the proper precautions you can protect against them as you protect your home, family, and supplies with any other disaster, be it natural or man-made.

Border Collie

The Six Best Dogs to Have With You When The SHTF

While most people in the modern world don’t keep dogs for any utilitarian purposes, they would quickly prove their worth if the SHTF tomorrow.

The Six Laws of Survival: Strategies For Beating the Worst Case Scenario

Our underlying goal in a SHTF scenario is ultimately to stay alive and live without exposure to risks. As much preparation as many of us have made, in the altered world of a SHTF crisis, there will be many dangers that lurk; and some of them will be inadvertently from our own doing.

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