
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.

Winter Survival: How to Navigate in the Snow

As winter rages on, it brings to light the importance of knowing how to navigate in snow and extreme winter weather. The worst-case scenario in this emergency is not knowing the terrain and getting so lost you succumb succumbing to exposure and possibly starvation. Author, Jeremiah Johnson has outlined the essentials on how to navigate in the snow and what equipment you will need to protect yourself from exposure.

winter survival preps

Winter Survival: Practical Preps for an Emergency Bug Out

Evacuating during winter presents many challenges. These simple and cost-effective preps will help your escape and evade in the Great Winter Wonderland easier!


Winter Warmth When the Grid is Down

When the grid goes down during the frigid months of the year, and you are ill-equipped to maintain warmth in your home, you have a major survival situation on your hands. Keep reading to learn ways one mom from the North keeps her family nice and toasty when the grid goes down.

immersion foot

Winter Wilderness Survival: Take Care of Your Feet and Your Odds of Survival Increase.

Exposure to the cold can have profound effects on your chances of survival. Immersion foot or Trench foot is a major concern when trying to survive exposure. Don’t get caught outside without knowing how to care for this medical emergency.

Wood Heat: A Heckuva Lot of Work

Living off the land like and imaging living off the land are two different things. It’s takes a lot of work and planning to create an ideal retreat. Read more about one brave prepper’s journey of starting to live self-sufficiently.

Woodcutting When the SHTF: What You Need to Know To Hastily Acquire a Wood Supply

Chopping wood is a serious workout and takes planning. In a sudden emergency, you will need to know how to quickly acquire a wood supply. Follow these tips and steps from a pro.


Yellowstone Officials: There “Could be a Supervolcano Eruption Imminently”

With the recent minor eruptions in Yellowstone, officials are admitting to imminent and future eruptions and are currently conducting training exercises to better prepare. Seismologists who have monitored the area have warned for years that the area is under strain and have observed deformation in rocks occurring under Yellowstone for years.


You are Legend: Remaining Focused and Dedicated in the Times to Come

Your resolve is the one factor we have that will triumph and enable us to throw off the yoke upon the necks of our country. Such resolve will be remembered: by your family, your friends, and those depending on you.


You Will Not Believe How We Used to Get Moisturizer

For those without a pot full of money there was only one choice back in the day and that was lanolin.

You Won’t Believe Why Washington State Isn’t Allowed to Prepare for Nuclear War

Most people don’t realize that sometimes, not only does the government not have a plan, they deliberately avoid making a plan for political reasons.

You will absolutely need this frugal prep in the event of a total collapse.

You’ll Absolutely Need This Frugal Prep in the Event of a Total Collapse

These affordable nylon bags can be stowed in your vehicle, in your backpack, or even kept on your person.

global disaster

You’re More Likely to Die in a Global Disaster Than a Car Crash

Statistics don’t lie.