Across large swaths of the United States, people are deeply entrenched in an unprecedented flood season. From cyclone bombs to the complete annihilation of farmland and crops across the nations, Americans are experiencing one of the worst flood seasons in history.
Is your home prepared for life’s emergencies? A disaster of any kind rarely stops with the initial event and has the capacity to last days or longer. Because of this, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to your preparedness efforts. Our research-based resources on emergency scenarios, emergency checklists, and disaster scenarios offer family-based preparedness advice to create a multi-layered approach so your family can be prepared for anything! Learn more about survival food, potable water, safety and security issues, how to live in an off-grid environment with alternative power and how to get your pet prepared for emergencies.
How To Survive A Flash Flood In Your Car
Since flood season is upon us, and it’s “unprecedented” this year, it could be helpful to learn how to survive a flash flood. If you get caught in your car in a flash flood, knowing the proper steps to take could save your life and the lives of anyone else stuck in the vehicle.
Without This Tool in Your Hurricane Supplies, You Could Be Screwed
With hurricane season about to crop up again in a few months and to maintain a general readiness stance for what may come down the pike, we’re going to discuss drills.
A Preparedness Guide for Women: How To Handle Birth Control After The SHTF (Part 2)
Because women have different needs than men, when we prepare for a SHTF scenario, we must consider those needs. In this second part of our “Prepping as a Woman” series, we will discuss birth control and how to deal with pregnancy prevention during a catastrophe.
Hidden in Plain Sight: How To Create a Strategic Spider-Hole
In a worst-case scenario, give yourself a hidden edge for when the SHTF and the going gets rough.
Prepping For Women: How To Prepare MENTALLY When Our Brains Won’t Shut Off
One of the hardest things to get in order for us women is our mental state. When thinking of how to prepare ourselves for a catastrophe, we also often worry and become mentally overloaded thinking about everything from our children and what they might need to our dog and what he might need. Then, before we know it, our thoughts are spiraling out of control.
These Off-Grid Summer Strategies Could Save Your Food Supply and Keep You Safe
In the coming months, the power grid will be pushed to extremes and can force homes off the grid if temperatures reach maximums. Keep these tips and considerations in mind to help you become more resilient to the lasting effects of power outages during extreme heat events.
How To Protect Yourself From Venomous Snakes
With the return of the warm summer sun comes the return of potentially venomous snakes. If you live in or are visiting an area known for its deadly snakes this summer, you will want to be careful and armed with the knowledge of how to protect yourself from them.
Workplace/Public Safety: Secret Emergency Codes YOU NEED TO KNOW!
Workplace safety and preparedness are not often at the forefront of our minds. Most of us assume that if the worst happens, it’ll happen while we’re at home where we are adequately prepared. But what if it doesn’t? And if it doesn’t, these are the emergency codes you will need to know in the workplace or if you’re in public when an emergency situation arises.
Are You Prepared? 2019 Hurricane Forecast Predicts as Many as 14 Storms This Year!
According to the 2019 Hurricane Forecast, as many as 14 tropical storms are predicted this year. It could be a destructive hurricane season and based on the forecast, two to four of the projected storms are expected to turn into serious large-scale hurricanes. If you live in a hurricane danger zone, the real question is: are you prepared?
3 Toilet Paper Alternatives That Will Get You Through The Collapse
As sacrilegious as it may sound, toilet paper is not essential to your survival.