Reserve Supplies


Gardening During Troubled Times: How to Start a Victory Garden

A survival garden may be just the thing your family needs, as it will passively produce food for your future.

rhodium wikimedia

The One Precious Metal Investment You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

There’s no denying that its price has a really good chance of reaching astronomical levels in our lifetime.


Trash to Treasure: 6 Everyday Items Will Be Worth Their Weight in Gold in an Emergency

Recycling and scrounging are two skills it would behoove you to develop prior to a collapse.

Potassium Iodide Pills - Treatment for Radiation Exposure (Iodine Tablets)

Mom, Could You Please Pass the Potassium Iodide?

Every family needs to have this low cost prep in their emergency supply closet. One day, it could save the lives of your family.

Urban Survival: When the Cities Fall Apart, These Strategies Will Keep You Alive

In an interview by Rory from The Daily Coin, he asked me if it is possible to live out a shtf scenario in an urban setting. The answer is yes, but for a majority of us, we must ask ourselves if we are up to the challenge.

What Happens to Nuclear Power Plants Following an EMP?

When the primary power shuts down and the backup is rendered inoperable, how is coolant water to be pumped to cool the spent fuel rods?


Build Your Own Faraday Cage Out of an Ammo Can

Protect what you value the most. Here is a simple DIY project for making a faraday cage out of a simple ammunition can.


The Number One Knife Skill for Wilderness Survival and Self-Reliance

In skilled hands, knives can do more than spread peanut butter. Check out these hardcore knife-yielding survival skills.

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Why You Need to Prepare for the Cashless Society

So how will you preserve your freedom if, and probably when this comes to pass?

Survival Caches: The Ultimate Back-Up Plan

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When your outdoor plans don’t work out, having a survival cache in the area could be a lifesaver.

Evac Strategy: How To Create a Coordinated Bug Out Plan

There comes a time when you have to stand and face whatever it is that is coming against you, with no other options. The actions you take now could determine how well you survive those events.


Take the Frustration Out of Chopping Firewood With This Quick Tip

Both of these methods are pretty useful for making your firewood chopping session a little shorter, and a lot less tedious.

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