
The silhouette of a warrior woman with storm clouds in the background.

7 Formidable Ways Women Can Defend Themselves

Here is The Daily Sheeple’s guide to taking control of your own personal safety – real empowerment comes from taking care of yourself.

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All Circuits Are Busy: Emergency Collapse Communications

A “comm down” scenario is a very real threat, and happens more often than not. So, when we are in a post-TEOTWAWKI scenario, and essentially on our own, will be able to communicate to the outside world or will you take a gamble and stay in the dark?

If you have a basement or even room under your house, you can create a root cellar to store food! The trick is going to be making it work with what you have, and all of us are in different situations when it comes to our home setup.

How To Create A Root Cellar On Your Property

If you have a basement or even room under your house, you can create a root cellar to store food! The trick is going to be making it work with what you have, and all of us are in different situations when it comes to our home setup.

If you find yourself in unfamiliar territory and have lost your way, nature can give you predictable methods to help you find out way home; you just need to know what they are.  Being lost or disoriented can feel overwhelming, but knowing a few simple things can help keep you calm and rational.

If You Are Lost, These 5 Signs From Nature Can Help Get You Home

If you find yourself in unfamiliar territory and have lost your way, nature can give you predictable methods to help you find out way home; you just need to know what they are.  Being lost or disoriented can feel overwhelming, but knowing a few simple things can help keep you calm and rational.

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