
heirloom tomatoes

Grow the Heartiest Tomatoes with These Organic Tips

Follow these organic natural tips and enjoy a juicy crop, perfect for summer salads and fresh sauces.

leggy seedlings

Why Seedlings Get Leggy And How To Fix It

There is nothing more satisfying than getting to watch your newly planted seeds begin to emerge from the dirt. After one week goes by, you will begin to notice your seedlings are getting leggy and barely able to hold themselves up, If that happens, this guide will help you understand what went wrong and how to fix it.


Turn Trash Into Treasure: The Easy Way To Make A Compost Pile Or Bin

Composting doesn’t have to be difficult and although it may seem like a daunting task to get started, this helpful guide should help walk you through any rough patches.

straw bale

Straw Bale Gardening: Everything You Wanted to Know for the Best Bounty Ever

This new organic gardening method is a game changer. Here’s everything you needed to know about straw bale gardening to get the best bounty ever.

garden homestead

10 Expert Tips To Help You Create Your Dream Garden

To help you make your dream garden a reality, here 10 tips and tricks master gardeners have shared to help your garden grow.

Gardening shovel in the soil in front of green leaves

10 Simple Hacks for a Successful Vegetable Garden

Recently, I wrote an article listing essential gardening laws to give your plants the best chance at providing you with a big harvest. Taking that advice and using these ten quick tips provided by experienced gardeners can help you save time, increase your growing space and reduce costs.

It’s All Flower Power: 10 Popular Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Start repelling those pesky mosquitos by strategic flower placement! These 10 popular herbs and flowers will keep the mosquitos away and your yard looking beautiful!


A Growing Guide For Small Sugar Pumpkins

Small sugar pumpkins are a perfect addition to any autumn lovers garden! Perfectly sweet or savory, based on your personal preference, these cute little pumpkins offer a nutritious treat without the tricks!

Bean seeds being sown in a furrow in the vegetable garden. Lots of copy space.

Survival Food Series: 25 Survival Seeds You Need For Your Garden

Living off the land sounds as inviting as Christmas dinner. But many have hardly had adequate experience being “farmers.” In fact, many have had no experience at all when it comes to planting anything. That being said, the day is slowly approaching where each of us may have to trade in our company identification badges for a shovel and a pair of overalls.

container garden

How To Grow Vegetables Year-Round in Container Gardens

If you are short on garden space or want to plant a few more vegetable varieties this year, why not add some interest to your patio or deck?


Everything You Need to Know To Grow a Big Crop of Cucumbers

Nothing beats the summer heat like a fresh cucumber from the garden. These sun-loving vegetables are great for first-time gardeners and easy to grow, and these tips can make them even greater!


Sustainable Gardening: What To Do Before You Plant Your Seedlings

Living sustainably and starting a garden is economical and will help your children learn the essential skill of growing food as naturally as possible. But there is some prep work to be done to ensure a healthy, thriving garden.

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