Common Sense and Prepping Go Hand in Hand

Granny Spear | Comments (0) | Reader Views (1896)

Good Morning, Tess, I hope all is well over there. Well, I’ve been doing a great deal of reading over the last week or so, such interesting things you and your friends write, certainly, some of the articles made me stop and think. I’m not entirely sure that I agree that the world is going to end anytime soon, but I certainly do agree that the lives we all lead are changing at a fast pace and that can’t go on indefinitely.

I understand now why some of your readers are so interested in the old ways of doing things, and rightly so. Back in the day, everything we did had a purpose, a reason behind it that made it a common sense thing to do. Life was more difficult as everything took much longer to do but having the right thing to hand, in the right place at the right time, made things more bearable.

I have often mentioned that the number of waste people create these days irritates me, and this I think fits in with the mindset that Edith and I have compared to the mindset that many youngsters have.

Those people who generate most of the waste are, in my opinion, those people who have the least common sense. They don’t think of the future, they live in the here and now assuming that this is how life is going to be all the time. They don’t see that personal disasters can befall them at any time and that natural disasters, even small ones, rarely announce that they are going to pay a visit.

They cannot imagine a time when they couldn’t feed or clothe their children, or flicking the light switch and nothing happens. Like my grandson, they never consider they may break down in the middle of nowhere, in the dead of night. They have no foresight.

It makes perfect sense to me to look on the bleak side because that way I can make sure that a situation is covered and that the risk to me is minimal. I am almost 90, I can’t take the chance that someone will drop by and cut some firewood in the middle of a raging storm. If the storm is bad and the electricity goes out I need the wood then and there, not if they can manage to come over. I may have frozen to death by then. That’s why I get them to chop a few logs when they visit, with all of the grandsons doing a few each the pile soon mounts up, certainly enough to see Edith and I through a minor crisis. Actually we have enough for a major crisis but if the boys knew that they’d stop chopping, so it’s all hidden away in the garage where nobody goes. There’s a door from the hall directly in there so it’s very easy for us to get to the wood if we need extra.

It’s the same with food, we have to make sure living where we do that we have enough supplies to get us through a week without visitors. In fact, we have enough for an awful lot longer than a week, possibly several months if I am honest.

You cannot survive a crisis unless you accept that a crisis can occur in the first place. It’s just plain common sense to make sure that you are able to last out a storm, or a power cut or an accident that lays you off work for a while. Not doing so is a sure-fire way to see a minor crisis escalate into a major event.

Oh, I love that word you used…sheeple. That made me laugh because sheep are very silly creatures. They run away at the slightest noise and group together in a corner of the field where you could just pick them off if you wanted to. Sadly I know a fair few sheeple. People who do something and have no idea why they just do it because everyone else does. if one of those TWANKI (Ed. note: TEOTWAWKI) events I read about happened they wouldn’t have a chance.

Just think, I’ve been a trendsetting prepper all these years and I never even knew it.

Well, I intended to write about something completely different today, must be old age making me forgetful! Maybe tomorrow I will remember what I was going to write about.




The Prepper’s Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals

The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster

Elite Large Fully Stocked GI Issue Medic First Aid Kit Bag

Surviving a blizzard or winter storm without power

The Pantry Primer: How to Build a One Year Food Supply in Three Months

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Feb 4, 2015

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