Get Prepped Newsletter: May 27, 2011

Tess Pennington | Comments (0) | Reader Views (2088)


This week we are pressing on with our preparedness endeavors, and our goal is to be disaster ready. For two weeks, we have concentrated on hurricane preparedness. (This is good because we have two weeks until hurricane season commences.) Remember that hurricanes not only affect the coastal regions of this country, but the high winds and heavy rains continue inland affecting states in middle-America too. This week we are concentrating on pet disaster preparation.

However, before we get started, I wanted to mention that this week, as we watched tornadoes ravage our heartland, I have been reminded of the importance of disaster preparation. We have collectively held our breaths, hoped, and prayed for the victims and their families in Joplin, Missouri and in Oklahoma. Through watching the videos and newscasts, glancing at pictures, and reading stories, we should all be reminded how important it is to be spiritually prepared for disasters as well. Believing in a higher power, in my case being a Christian, is important. Remember that our faith in God should be our spiritual response to disaster. God is with us, and He promises to never leave us or forsake us. It is my prayer for those who have been affected by tragedy this week and for each of you readers that when the unthinkable occurs you will trust that God is there, you will experience His presence, and that you will find the “peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” (Philippians4:7).

I want to give a special mention of gratitude to my editing team, Baker Blessitt Business Solutions. They do an amazing job every week editing my newsletter, and I am humbled at the amount of misspellings and punctuation errors I seem to make. Yet somehow, they find all those errors and fragmented sentences, and turn them into a beautiful document. My gratitude to you both for your hard work.

Also, I want to take the time and thank all those who are serving or have served in the military.  This weekend, as I am spending some down time with my family, my thoughts will turn to those who fought and served.  It is because of your dedication and sacrifice that I have the opportunity to live such a wonderful life.  God bless you. 

And, last but not least, thanks to my readers for being a part of Ready Nutrition! Your kind words of encouragement keep me going. Don’t forget to friend us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and extend an invitation to your friends and family, as they need to be prepared too.


Tess Pennington


Week 5 of 52: Pet Care

Our furry friends are more to us than just pets, and for many of you, they are a precious family member. Caring for them during a disaster is extremely important. You need to know that when an unexpected storm occurs, many of our animals face anxiety just as we do. Knowing how your pet will react before, during and after a storm is the first step in ensuring their safety. Making sure that you anticipate your pet’s needs during an emergency because it will help them cope with this disruption into their daily routines. Also, have a pet survival kit and a pet first aid kit set aside for your pet, as this too ensures their safety.

Preps to buy for Week 5:

  • Extra harness, leash, and/or carrier
  • ID tags with your contact information
  • 1-2 week supply of food for all pets (if not already bought in week 1)
  • 2-5 gallons of water for each pet
  • Pet first aid kit
  • Current vaccination and medical records for each animal (contact your veterinarian).
  • 2 weeks worth of medication for each animal (if applicable). Note: Pay attention to the expiration date and routinely rotate medicines to ensure they are not wasted.

Action Items:

1. Decide if your pet(s) will be going to an animal hotel, sheltering in-place with the family, or staying at another home. Make arrangments before the disaster is imminent.

2. If you haven’t purchases a pet survival kit, make your own. In addition to the items listed above, you will need the following:

a. Cat litter/pan or doggie pads

b. Can opener

c. Food dishes

d. First aid kit

e. Additional supplies required for where the pet will stay.

3. Ensure that your pet’s vaccinations are up to date.

Note: If pets do not have their shots up to date, then pet hotels will not accept them.

4. Get a rescue alert sticker. It will alert rescue workers that a pet is inside the home. When displaying this sticker, ensure that it is placed in an area that is visible to rescue workers.

5. Verify that ID tags are up to date and securely fastened to your pet’s collar. Attach the address and/or phone number of your evacuation site (if possible).

Note: If your pet gets lost, his tag is his ticket home.

  • Make sure you have a current photo of your pet for identification purposes to include in with your family emergency photos.
  • Ensure you have a secure pet carrier, leash or harness for your pet so that if he panics, he can’t escape.

6. Have a current photo of your pet to include with your family emergency photos.

7. Be sure to have a pet carrier, leash, or harness, if you pet is prone to panicking.


In our home:

“Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” Ralph Marston

It is inevitable that sometimes life forces rest upon us, and this was my experience this week. Last week, I nursed my youngest daughter through a virus, and this week, I have the virus; therefore, there was an abundance of unplanned rest. Next week, when my energy is replenished, I will focus on the chores and activities I wasn’t able to get to.


In case you missed some of our recent articles, be sure to read these:


Did you know that May 22nd-28th is National Hurricane Awareness Week?

If you read last week’s newsletter you did! Hurricane Awareness Week starts now. It is time to put some thought into which preparedness items you need to purchase for the 2011 hurricane season. During the Hurricane Katrina, many people were not adequately prepared to take care of their basic needs, e.g., water, sanitation items, diapers, toilet paper, shelter, etc. Weather forecasters have predicted an active hurricane season (Source). Growing up near Galveston, TX, I learned early that it is better to be over prepared than under prepared. For more information on hurricane preparedness, click here. Also, this hurricane check list may be handy when organizing your gear.


Do you have any opinion on the influx of teenage mob attacks? There has been quite a discussion on my facebook page about what the proper punishment should be for these misguided youth. If you have any ideas, join the discussion!


One of the perks of my job at Ready Nutrition is to address questions and/or concerns that you may have with your prepping endeavors. Feel free to ask anything that is on your mind because no question is too big or small. You can email questions to:

This week’s question addresses which storage foods need oxygen absorbers:

I am beginning food storage and have some questions about the best use of the Mylar bags and certain products. Do flour, sugar and dry milk need oxygen absorbers?
If so what strength? How long will they last in the Mylar bags?
Thanks for your assistance.
When storing food, I use the Mylar bags as a multi-barrier approach to protecting my food. Using Mylar bags in food storage reduces the oxidation of foods, prevents bug infestations, and helps reduce the exposure to increased temperature and moisture levels. Mylar bags are inexpensive and reusable – a great selling point!
I have included oxygen absorbers in with all the food that I have stored. Typically, 2,000 ccs of oxygen absorbers should be added to one 5 gallon bucket. When I store food, I fill a 5-gallon bucket up half way, add an oxygen absorber, fill the rest of the bucket up, and add another absorber on top of the food. Preparing this way ensures that one absorber works in the middle and the other absorber works on the top.
A few months ago, I wrote an article concerning food storage and recommended using oxygen absorbers to prolong the shelf life of stored food. Because it absorbs the oxygen from the container, it inhibits the growth of aerobic pathogens and molds. Oxygen absorbers come in different sizes, so pay attention to the size that is needed for your container. They begin working the moment they are exposed to oxygen and last until they have absorbed their maximum limit.
Note: oxygen absorbers are not edible, but they are not toxic and do not affect the smell and taste of stored food. Also, if you are using desiccant packets to absorb any moisture, I would not put these in with your flour, salt, sugar because these foods need some moisture to remain activated.
Thank you so much for sending us your questions. I hope the information I provided was helpful.

This article was published at Ready Nutrition on May 27, 2011

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