How to Spot False Flag Events

Jeremiah Johnson | Comments (7) | Reader Views (11567)

ReadyNutrition Guys and Gals, we’re going to cover some basic fundamentals to help you forecast an event before it materializes. You don’t need to be either a prophet or an actuarial scientist to drastically improve your probability of gauging an event before it occurs.  Sound techniques of daily research coupled with keeping an open eye are keys; keeping an open mind is another, and it is possibly the most important of them all.

False Flag Events

So, what is a false flag event? This term is largely used to describe covert operations that are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. According to this website, the origin of this term stems from the old days of wooden ships, when one ship would hang the flag of its enemy before attacking another ship in its own navy. Because the enemy’s flag was hung instead of the flag of the real country of the attacking ship, it was called a “false flag” attack. Many believe this ploy commonly uses the media and fear of a manufactured enemy to control populations. Infowars has an excellent article on confirmed false flag events.

You already know about multiple preparedness, disaster, and survival sites.  The alternate news media provided by the internet is the last bastion of objective grass-roots journalism and reporting that exists.  Most of your news in the mainstream media (MSM) is “canned,” or rather, approved is the better word.  Did you ever notice how an article in one MSM publication oftentimes appears in several (or many) other publications?  Such returns us to an old adage that may surprise you for not being meant for face value:

“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” –  Lord Acton

Readers, this does hold true about power; however, what Acton was referring to was the culpability of the media to fawn upon a ruler/dictator/leader and “color” objectivity with a slant in favor of what the ruler wants…to obtain favored status.

Filter Through Media Headlies With These Tips

1. Find Links in News Articles

Look no further than the MSM of the United States: kowtowing at every turn to lick the hands of those granting the “all access press pass” and the front row seat in the briefing.  Now, does this mean that you cannot use them and what they “report” a s news?  Absolutely not!  You can use it…but you must sift it first, gleaning the true and important details.

Your goal is to create a daily “collage” of news items with the collage blending the news per item, and potentially finding links that overlap into other collages to give you an accurate portrait.  This is for all of the venues: radio, television, if you have it (JJ’s home hasn’t had TV in almost 11 years), newspapers, magazines, and the internet.  Let’s take a hypothetical case to illustrate.

Zippydisaster is a (fictitious) site that prints a great deal on current events relating to potential nuclear war.  They just did a piece on North Korea and a submarine that runs on hydrogen taken from seawater via hydrolysis.  Zippydisaster’s piece links to several AP quotes from Kim Jung Un, and substantiates its findings with an expert tying into submarine contracts for construction between Russia and North Korea.

2. Find Details in Articles that Other News Sources Removed

Your job is to find out the specifics in these articles…what type of submarine, class, range, and technology?  Is the expert fairly well-known, and/or does he have other references you can research relating to the topic?  What types of contracts were involved between the North Korean and Russian governments, and were any of their details divulged to the public?  Now what sources do you, the researcher, use to help find the details about these specifics?  Janes’ Defense is an excellent site to find out about military equipment and weapons.  You can find out the true range of the class submarine, its armaments, its complement, and its capabilities.

Don’t “X” out the MSM completely.  Look at what recently happened when Vladimir Putin (in December 2015) accidentally leaked out a photograph of a document to Russian television of a drone submarine capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to a U.S. coastal city.  That’s a pretty serious mistake on the part of Russia.  Mistakes are made, and it is up to you to be able to spot it and file it away for reference later.

Look at the event that is being reported…say a bombing by ISIS of an oil refinery in northern Syria.  Study the event.  Who benefits from the oil, and whose oil is it?  Who claims the oil as their own?  What are the effects of the loss of such a refinery to nations in Europe?

Look at what happened in Benghazi, but remember: the actions leading up to it included the current U.S. president deploying naval forces along with France (the main protagonist) for the specific purpose of protecting France’s oil supply.  Look at the Syrian situation, and understand the U.S. wants to place a gas pipeline from Qatar and run it up through Syria to cut off Russian Gazprom natural gas supplies into Ukraine (and hence, Europe).  Doesn’t appear that the plan is working too well, however, that’s not the point.  The point here is to sift through the blurbs of news that are newsworthy and then do good research to find out who, what, when, where, how, and why…with emphasis on the last item, the “why” element.

By utilizing multiple sites, you “plow the field” and find details in one that another may not have.  One site may have the time and place of a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) test off the coast of California.  Another may actually show YouTube footage with the trajectory visible.  Another may have communiques between radar stations and Air Force bases radioed when the missile is tracked.  A military source may know the type of missile.  From this grouping of details from diverse sources you can paint an accurate picture that is more complete than if you had just taken it from one source.

3. Pay Attention to the Signs, Use Facts and Forecast Appropriately

Regarding forecasting, everybody wants…no, demands…that you answer the question, “When is it all going to collapse?”

The only ones who know that are the ones who will cause the collapse.

You must look at the “signs” that you find…clues that you gather upon the path…to aid you in determining the point where you, personally, pull the plug and initiate whatever procedures that you and your family have agreed upon.  There are many good economists who have given various lists of signs to watch for, from dollar and gold decoupling to the dumping of T-bills by foreign nations.  When you see these things inching ominously closer, cross-reference them and find out their causes.  Is that deep drop in the Dow something serious, such as the Baltic Dry Good Index dropping, along with the price of crude, or is it just speculators running wild?

In order to forecast, you need not be a “swami,” just be solid and rely on facts.

Do not leave out HUMINT, or human intelligence sources.  Do you know members of the military currently or recently on active duty?  Do you know any middle management at the coal plant being hit by EPA regulations?  Do you have a good physician who will tell you about the questions HHS is asking him to answer concerning your firearms ownership?  All of these sources you can glean from and also develop to help broaden your perspective and intelligence-gathering.

4. Have An Open Mind

Use every source at your disposal and get the “big picture” on all things.  There is one more item: an open mind.  Do not discount something that absolutely appears that it cannot happen.  Such a statement may seem inconsistent with what we covered here; however, it is not.  It is your “ace-in-the-hole” statement.  Don’t be boxed in.  You must allow your mind to take the “third person limited omniscient” perspective: let your mind be outside of the intelligence to analyze it, and not be influenced by it via emotions.

Analyze and weigh details, and come to a conclusion based on your data and your instincts.  In the end, it is you who will have to make the personal decision that it’s hitting the fan, and the missiles are on the way.  You will have to determine that it’s time to hang up that hardhat in the factory and quietly head for home.  Good forecasting is based on good viable information obtained by diligently watching, reading, and listening to all that is happening around you.  Good intelligence is not simply found: it is made, and you can do this with diligence and attention to detail.  Happy researching, and remember to stay alert and frosty!


This article was published at Ready Nutrition on Jan 22, 2016

7 thoughts on “How to Spot False Flag Events”

  1. I start from the premise that anything emanating from the British Bulls**t Corporation is a lie, and work from there. Ditto the mainstream media.

  2. One thing I noticed while we were monitoring false flag events is that there is always a military training program taking place near by.

    1. Carol Wennerberg

      In San Bernadino — a local news caster said she thought “the training exercises” had begun….

      For months, that complex was used for training exercises. That’s how all those rescue vehicles got there within minutes. If you go back to the live feeds.. you’ll see helicopters, ambulances and police… dozens of em.. within minutes.

      I think the appetite and ability to pull these off is getting harder because those privy to the scheme are having second thoughts about ‘collateral damage’… how many must die… this time they kept the numbers down.

      Also… go back to the film of Boston… a training exercise was going on that day as well… look at the men standing around the finish line… they are all wearing what the perps were wearing… Dark Blue jacket, khaki pants and baseball cap if I remember….. for all we know those boys were recruited to participate!

      Spanish train… training exercise.
      Ditto for London and 9/11

  3. Gun control needed. But false flags exist in this mirage of a nation, built by Europeans on stolen land, just like on other continents. Time to elevate those who preserve Mother Nature.

  4. Carol Wennerberg

    I was in Durbuy Belgium on 9/11. One of the first interviews I saw online was a little Jewish lady who lived in the same building as M Atta. I remember thinking, THIS IS EXPLOSIVE! – Surely Bush & Cheney will end up in prison over this… how are they going to get out of it?

    What she said was that – Everyone in the building knew something was UP, because there were so many “007 types” around the building the last few months. Also, she said she was surprised they were terrorists because they had so many Jewish friends… such nice young men….

    I paraphrase because you cannot find this interview anymore. It’s gone.

    I saw it… I remember it like it was yesterday…. there was also a small piece in the IHT about the messenger service being told to keep their bikes away from the Trade Towers that day.

    Then there was the story about the Israeli movers in New Jersey — holding a lighter up showing the burning towers behind them. The police were called, and they were taken in for questioning… last I saw of that story is the Israelis were sent back to Israel.

    All three of these events are true… and NONE had any influence on the investigation.

    I have been slack jawed ever since.

    1. Don”t forget Sandy Hook, The only long gun found was in the trunk of the perps car., but when the coroner came out he said a long gun was used. That was an out and out lie! Gov’t. isn’t going to stop till they get all guns outlawed so they can control the masses or start civil war!

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